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Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Yes @wellwellwellnez , @Scoo , @Historylover , @StuF , @MDT  their is a lot in environmental  wellness  inside and outside,  the house  , socially , etc like our gardens . Neighbourhood  , our  town's and cities 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I'm pretty lucky in my environmental wellness - I can afford to heat my place in winter and cool it in summer. I volunteer in my community, and during NAIDOC week I found out more about the traditional stories of the people whose Country I live on, one of which features a tree I have in my front yard, so that's a bit special. I'm looking forward to decorating my place a bit more, though, and hopefully the tomatoes I planted will grow soon. I'm also a bit lax when it comes to being organised, clean and tidy.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

that is soo awesome @Gwynn , way to go my friend 

a tree to shade your place 

and to grow your own tomatoes Heart

i have planted succulents which are growing 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

hey there @Historylover
Long time no see

I believe last time I saw you my name was probably @Hamsolo01 or similar lol

Good to see you

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I believe being a regular somewhere is also nice

for me it is a local coffee shop @Shaz51

It's a bit of a daggy place but that's why I go there - nostalgia and attachment and they know who i am

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Local coffee shop  is good @MDT 

@Faith-and-Hope  does this too 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Very Good Prompts & Reminders @Shaz51 

Sensor Lights are a Must in my Suburb.

They definitely work as a Deterrent to Burglars.

Burglar made sure he disabled my Sensor Light 1st, my climbing up onto Wheelie Bin & Pulling Light Globe out of Socket - Before breaking into my Car (in Carport).

Because obviously he or she did not wish to be seen doing it.

The Sensor Lights are Very Bright, & they're triggered my any movement in front of them.

My neighbour has installed a Camera - So that anyone who comes to her house gets to be on "Candid Camera" (Video).

After my house was thoroughly Burgled (they took everything), years ago - I had a House Alarm installed.

Thankfully I have not been Burgled again, since then.

Yes some Colour & new Furnishings would help - My Living Space is rather Bleak, with nothing very appealing to the eye.

More Decluttering is in order too....


Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@MDT- I know.  What prompted the change?  It's been ages, hasn't it?  Have you been OK?  


Which state are you in, @MDT, and are you travelling well with lockdown, life, work and study?


Good to see you too. 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

For me, to have a productive environment for my mental health, I must have sound as the top priority before visual, touch, smell or taste.  I find my emotions connect with sound, such as music or birds, waves etc.  


When I was young, I used to run around in the local bush a lot, and I have fond memories of listening to the magpies sing, the crows yelling for mark or budgies chirping.  


I find visuals or smell at around the same level but i can tolerate a 70's kitchen if the music that gets my toes tapping is being played.  A lack of sound or industrial sounds like cars, machinery, planes or helicopters may not be in front of my brain, but I have recently discovered that this upsets my subconscious more and this leads to anxiety as my brain tries to cope with all these unnatural and disturbing sounds. 


I don't have many memories from being young around cooking so certain cooking smells don't put me at ease.. it definitely sound that centers me. 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I am in NSW @Historylover
in Sydney metro
I hate the lockdown but i see why we need to do it
Study started up again this week and it is really intense but I guess I just gotta roll with it

yeah name change just for something different lol

Overall I think I have been okay yeh thanks

IT's good to see you - how have you been ?