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Re: The great yoga adventure

@Former-Member I was just thinking that I'm starting to like you...and now I've just decided that I like you even more. That probably didn't come out sounding right did it. I am still super struggling with CherryBomb having left and it hurts my brain not knowing which moderator will appear each evening. I like that you seem to be appearing fairly regularly. Predictability helps me feel safe.

Can you stand on your head @Former-Member? I love standing on my head - it makes me feel super calm. However, given how much I stand on my head, I feel that I really do need to get some proper instruction to ensure that I'm not going to break my neck. That's why I've been psyching myself up (for ages!!!!) to actually go to a class. I'm super glad that I can know you have joined the cheer squad for the great yoga adventure. Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: The great yoga adventure

Yeah no worries @Phoenix_Rising I'm here on the "reg" now, sometimes chatting a lot, sometimes I don't get the chance to join in. 

So standing on my's been a while but I think I can, I usually brace with the arms and shoulders and I'd need a wall to help balance. I'm not too strong in the upper body so it can be a problem, and I get scared about hurting myself. I understand the calming aspect of it, I find "plow" pose weirdly calming, even though it really doesn't look that way!

Re: The great yoga adventure

This is what I am afraid of on Monday @Phoenix_Rising 


I'm so uncoordinated and clumsy too. I really really hope that everyone else in the class that I am going to has the same amount of not any idea what they're doing as me!

I love the idea of a little cheerbear joining your cheersquad. My turtle was with me during the two attempts at finding clothes I have made so far and will be with me during the third when I try to find a top. Turtle will also join me for the nervous drive there, the class itself and the laughs/try not to cry's on the way home. The reminder that we all have to start somewhere helps @Former-Member and I am almost certain that not everyone was born with a perfect yoga made body and brain to start with. I'm glad your place seems super supportive and nice. Mine does too 🙂

Not long now!

@soul - your photos have made me laugh! 

@Former-Member - I am pretty sure you were on one night when I put up some pics on a party thread and they appeared really quickly. Then you wrote 'crochet chevron blanket' (this is a love of mine too!) and now you're here on the yoga thread - very cool 😄 

Re: The great yoga adventure

@CheerBear I super love that picture. Smiley LOL I am SUPER scared.

@Former-Member I had to google what the plough pose was...and I discovered that this is one of the poses I find super calming too. I find it funny when I discover that things I just do naturally (like lie like that on the floor) actually have proper names in the world of yoga. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The great yoga adventure

@Phoenix_Rising & @CheerBear. This is great that you are both going on an adventure together (separately).
Our local yoga studio is carpeted and we wear socks in winter (because it's cold in Victoria)) & bare feet in summer.
I can't wait to hear about how you both go on Monday.

Re: The great yoga adventure

Hi Phoenix Rising, 

I've been thinking .. you know, even if you do fall on them yoga people are more likely to just give you a hug!!  🙂

Re: The great yoga adventure

Only three sleeps to go now!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who is being so encouraging.

@Alone I will definitely have to work very hard not to fall on anyone - a hug from a random stranger would definitely not improve the night! Smiley Very Happy

@utopia Thank you for the guidance re. socks. I actually bought some cool new socks the other day, which I plan to wear irrespective of whether I then take them off or not. They are black with little yellow ducks all over them. I super like them.

@CheerBear Isn't this just the most superly duperly exciting thing ever!!! Smiley Very Happy

Re: The great yoga adventure

This is seriously exciting @Phoenix_Rising! I love that we're having an adventure together but not 😄 Yay for forumland and being able to meet awesome not-friends to go on adventures with

Re: The great yoga adventure

Ps - duck socks. Very very cool!

Re: The great yoga adventure