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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

That’s great @Former-Member .... 😊

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Bonus re: furniture @Former-Member

A little bit less to have to deal with. 


At my end paperwork sorting going very slowly, but have been doing a little on most days. On the plus side, most of the carpet in the office is ready for its first vacuum in quite some time. 


@Determined hope your garage sale goes well.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Even better @Former-Member

It is mum inlaws garage sale 😂


I would just give it all to the salvos and a local palliative care shop but mum is keen so boosting her offering.   What doesn't sell can still go to the salvos and palliative care. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Walking past the bin on my way out this morning noticed a large aust post box in the bin...   Someone has been anxious about needing more boxes. Not sure about the logic of throwing that one out as 'we already have one like that'   😖🤐🤯

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

1hr from home, about to grab boxes, tape, bags from bunnings. One day at a time i guess. As for planning my future, many tears driving this morning, maybe a little fear, really not sure how to navigate this last chapter of my life. Need a life coach.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thinking of you as you pack @Former-Member

Trust it all goes well for you. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hearing you @Former-Member ..... 💜

I am not sure how to navigate either ..... working it out one step at a time ....

Take courage ..... breathe .... you can do this ...... ❣️

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @Determined, @Faith-and-Hope, appreciate you being here for me. Sorry to all those who are tired of me being so self absorbed, just have nothing left to give away, soooo tired. Been teary all day. Took my time getting here.

Achieved a lot today
1. Pushed through the long hours of silence on country roads with more roadside roadkoll than i've EVER seen, adding to the many sad thoughts alone, no CD, radio etc, just me and God. But got here safely √√
2. Picked up groceries for 2wks (wore big sunnies and didn't bump into anyone i know or have to answer all their questions 🙂 ) √√
3. Watered my very dry dying garden √
4. Called in bottalo and bought home a bootfull of boxes.
5. Went to Bunnings & got x4 large *plastic tubs - different colours - for sorting, "packing tape, *roll of bubble wrap and x4 quality moving *boxes for my really special things (to get started).

How's that for bragging 🙂

Negotiated 20% drop in price on the double brick unit (mentioned above) & a contract is being drawn up. I'm not sure if I want to live there but thinking it will be a good investment to rent out. Current Tennant on periodic lease should I need it down the track. Still need to run all this past my solicitor & prayer.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Well done @Former-Member .... ❣️

Try to think of it as communicating rather than bragging.  You need support for the tasks ahead, and to support you we need to hear how you are, and how you’re managing .... and “reporting” your achievements is a great way to do that .... to stay connected .... 


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member, good to hear your're safely there. Good news on the unit too. 🙂


I got off to a reasonable start this morning, sorting in the spare bedroom. It's reasonably close already, and I'd like to get it "over the line". Visitied parents after lunch, came back feeling a bit out of steam. I'll try to tackle the last of that room tomorrow, then see if I can do a "mock up" of a packed trailer for next trip. My idea is to lay out an area the size of the trailer in Mum and Dad's old bedroom, and "pack" it. Should help.