19-04-2021 07:17 AM
19-04-2021 07:17 AM
19-04-2021 08:04 AM
19-04-2021 08:04 AM
Severe Neglect, Emotional A, & some Physical A - From Both Parents @Former-Member
They both Screamed constantly.
It was an environment of Fear for us as kids.
For more than 20 years.
The SA was perpetrated by my Cousin (most not all) & others.
Dad scared the hell out of us as kids - Dad was actually kinder & far more considerate than Mum (in many ways).
Dad changed much for the better, before he died- Mum did not.
No graphics, don't want to trigger - Just Clarifying.
19-04-2021 08:12 AM
19-04-2021 08:12 AM
Off to see my psych @Former-Member
Hope your day is ok
19-04-2021 02:13 PM
19-04-2021 02:15 PM
19-04-2021 02:15 PM
19-04-2021 02:25 PM
19-04-2021 02:25 PM
Thank you @Former-Member
19-04-2021 07:15 PM
19-04-2021 07:15 PM
Yes, thanks @Former-Member I'm seeing Psychologist soon.
Also long GP Appnt, to try to finsish NDIS Application - Supporting Medical Evidence, which has been going on (trying to get done) for months.
Also having to go for MRI Scan on Neck tomorrow - Referred by Neurologist.
Still trying to deal with those Nightmarish Employment Services people (Department).
Who are sending me to a Face-To-Face Jobsearch Provider (of their Choice) - Not the Disability Employment Service Provider that I was Referred to (& need to choose).
They will not let me choose or go to that (or any) Disability Employment Service Provider - They refused.
19-04-2021 08:00 PM
19-04-2021 08:00 PM
19-04-2021 08:09 PM
19-04-2021 08:09 PM
19-04-2021 08:38 PM
19-04-2021 08:38 PM
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