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Casual Contributor

New member

Hi I'm new and I came here because my life is such a roller coaster and no one understands me so I feel very lonely.

I've suffered from mental illness almost my whole life and have been diagnosed with anorexia, depression, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, complex PTSD, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.
I have very good support with a GP, psychologist, dietician and psychiatrist but all day everyday is a struggle.
I just wanted to talk to some people who might feel like me.


Re: New member

Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm new here too but these forums have provided me with much support over the past week. I feel far less lonely. I can't say I feel like u in that I don't struggle all day every day but I have many days that I really don't know how I'm going to make it through and even do I want to! Something that helps me a lot is to break time down - I will get through the next hour or some days just the next minute by .... And I try breathing or something very do able. Another forum member put me on to the Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)companion app and I've found it really really useful. Sometimes I make myself smile or force a laugh and that gives some physical relief. Sometimes I name some things I am grateful for. Of course on good days you can try a little walk or a little task or reach out to someone. I need to make myself get out of my head to get any relief. I'm sure u will find this forum adds something positive to yr life. Be kind to yourself.
Senior Contributor

Re: New member

Hi and welcome @Rollercoaster1. So glad you feel comfortable posting here. We are a supportive bunch of people living with a range of different MI's.
I myself have depression and anxiety. I had PTSD but got treatment quickly - so fingers crossed - no more panic attacks.
I understand that feeling of lonliness when those without MI , just can't understand how we are just trying to survive as best we can.
Your user name is great. I think most of us on here could have used the same name.
It can be scary when you start feeling your depression or panic or anxiety increasing. But it does pass.
Do you have coping techniques you use whenyou feel overwhelmed?
I'm glad you have a good support team. I have one too and it makes all the difference in being able to live life with a MI.
Others will join this conversation and wilk be able to offer some support and understandi.
You are not alone

Re: New member

Hi @Rollercoaster1!

I'm Shimmer, one of the moderators here on the Forums and I just wanted to add my welcome too Smiley Happy

Wow, it sounds like you have been through a lot in your life in terms of mental illness. I'm curious to hear where you are at now? Sometimes people believe receiving a diagnosis means that they will have that condition for life, but actually, symptoms change over time and people can recover, no longer meeting criteria for various diagnoses. Have you noticed any big changes like this over time?

I'm glad to hear that you have a good support network set up, and that you have now reached out on the Forums to feel more understood and less alone. You can make many wonderful connections here just like @meggles1 and @utopia

Once again, welcome @Rollercoaster1, I look forward to 'seeing' more of you around!

Take care,


Senior Contributor

Re: New member

I hear what your saying. I think for a long time I couldn't grapple with the fact I couldn't trust my own brain. Each of us are different and find different things work. I particularly like mindfulness & dbt because I felt it helped me to reconnect with myself in a new way. You've been through the mill for a while, but you do have supports and you are a unique individual who is worth the effort
Senior Contributor

Re: New member

Hi @Rollercoaster1. Just wondering how you're doing today? Have your emotions settled down at all?
If you don't mind, I might tag some other members into this conversation - as it's a common theme on this site.
What do you guys think @Faith-and-Hope @BlueBay @Former-Member @Decadian @Former-Member.
Any advice?

Re: New member

Hi @Rollercoaster1 

Welcome to the forums ....

I agree with what has been said already .... the forums are a very welcome support ..... you're not alone .... keep posting and we'll walk together ....

Talk some more later .... gotta dash ....


Re: New member

Hi everyone thanks so much for your support!!!
I feel much less alone now.
Today I am feeling great!!! My bipolar disorder is causing me the most grief at the moment and when I wrote the first message I was suffering from a "low" for 3 days after having a "high" for three days.
But yesterday and today I am actually feeling like my mood is balanced. So I'm super glad and really enjoying my days. That's why I've taken a while to reply.
I have been suffering from mental illness since I was 16 and it has definitely changed over time. It started with anorexia when I was a ballerina and also VERY unhappy and unsupported at home. I also had depression and was self harming and had suffered from intense anxiety from when I was born.
I had amazing help and fully recovered from anorexia when I was 21. And for 4 years I had a life mostly free of mental illness. Until me debilitating fear of abandonment started overtaking my life again. Then I had an "abandonment experience" when my psychologist went on maternity leave and I couldn't cope with it. I had a relapse of anorexia and I'm just coming out the other end of the relapse now. And my bipolar is the worst it's ever been. I've gotten on top of my ocd with medication. So it's a bit complicated but all my illnesses relate to my incredibly huge fear of abandonment.
Thanks again for the support 🙂 I've been a part of MI forums in the past and they really helped me recover 🙂
Senior Contributor

Re: New member

@Rollercoaster1. So glad to hear your mood has lifted. Not sure where you live - for privacy - we just give general info.
I'm in country Victoria & today is finally a gorgeous spring day. Slight breeze. No clouds. Sun shining. Birds singing.
This sort of day really helps lift my moods.
I hope it is beautiful weather where you are & that your happy mood stays around for a while.

Re: New member

It is a beautiful day and I'm loving it 🙂