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Re: My little story

Hi @ninablack
I have BPD... query whether its full blown or just traits however Im happy to chat to you about my experience with it. I hope you're doing okay. ((hugs))

Re: My little story

Greetings @ninablack and welcome to the forums, your story is not so "little' it is full of empathy and understanding and love pulling you through the toughest of times. 

Am glad you are here to share and connect with us. I live with Bi Polar and a few other not so wonderful things - and know depression, know that life sucking, soul leeching all consuming nothingness. I have learned to live through it, around it, get past it (and then, of course fall back into it again). I have found great camraderie and understanding here and learned I am not alone in my lived experience.

I do like to be alone, however and one thing I enjoy about the forums is when it gets toughgh and I share that it is - voices and care reach back towards me. That is priceless. 

Hope you day is as good as it can be, today. 

Not applicable

Re: My little story

Hi @ninablack welcome!
I'm glad you can see some positives in life, and hope that being here will be helpful! Cheers lj

Re: My little story

Very well written and powerful .
Welcome look after yourself. Depression is so miserable and misunderstood by some. Time good phyc and friends like the ones here help.

Re: My little story

greetings everyone @SCORPION, @BPD-life, @Former-Member, @MoonGal, @Billamba< very misunderstood by some

Re: My little story

How are you @SCORPION ?

How about you @BPD-life and @ninablack?? (@Loopy)

from PP

Re: My little story


Scorpion is just been lurking. 

Last few weeks haven't been the best for me all ill say is very dark inconvenient flashbacks, and struggling. 

But like just reading how you all are going.


Re: My little story

Hello @SCORPION Intrusive and unwelcome thoughts are difficult. 

I also like to read others posts and just know how they are. Whether they post again and become  a regular part of the SANE foum community or not.  For me it is a reality check ... knowing how people are really doing rather than social posturing.It is heartening that others have the courage to say how it really is.

Thanks again @BPD-life