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Senior Contributor

Horrible day with anxiety

I have been for about a week keeping my anxiety under control but today is very bad I feel. I'm having breathing difficulties and feeling on edge. I went to doctors and I feel like they just guess everything. Today I'm having panic attacks and have had to call in yet again sick from my job. Apparently I just have asthma but it feels more than that. And sorry for the tmi but I just got my period today which I think may be making things worse. I'm sick of having the physical issues that come along with anxiety. I'm feeling so low and so alone. I don't even have any friends anymore, I felt like as soon as I got anxiety everyone around me looked at me as if I have some contagious disease 😥

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Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hi @Flower88,


I'm one of the moderators here and my name is Sky. Thanks for sharing your experience with everyone 🙂


It sounds like you're hitting brick walls from time to time when the anxiety gives your body more difficulties to face. It must be hard when you feel this impacts your reliability to your work place as well.


You're right, it is not easy for others to understand how hard it is if they haven't experienced what you're going through. Idon't blame you for feeling isolated as well when you feel you just cannot get others to know what the impact means to you.


What worked in the past? Looks like you did go to your doctor to seek assistance although it didn't work out very well this time. It's good to see that you use this forum (Senior Contributor!) as one of the resources.


Here is a link to some of the Apps people created for easing anxious moments. The reason I thought of Apps so that you can even use them at work. Just be mindful which one is suitable for your needs and even if you would like to use your phone as one of the ways to help.


Take care and continue to look after yourself. You have a great insight of what's going on and it is always a learning journey to find out what helps when we're facing different stages of life too. Hang in there! 

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

I know I get nerves as well being around people

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hi @Former-Member thanks for the link, I think today is just a bad day due to that time of the month as it makes my anxiety 20 times worse for some reason. I haven't had asthma in for ages probs since I was a kid and all of a sudden it's come back and has taken me by surprise not sure if my anxiety has brought it on. Thanks for your kind words.
Hi @butterfly101 It's awful isn't it. I hate when there are too much people around, makes me anxious and even comming home on the train is a challenge.

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hello.  As a lifelong sufferer of depression I have learnt that the other  side of the same coin of depression  is anxiety.  They are always together. All;ow yourself to be treated by a psychiatrist by getting the referrals from your Doctor.  Nearly80 

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

@Flower88. It's awful when the physical symptoms of panic attacks increase. And then I used to find the more attacks I had, the more I worried about the next one and it just seemed to be a vicious circle. My breathing was always affected.
I'm guessing you have been taught sone relaxation and coping techniques, but they are just not helping today.
I have a little ap on my phone that shows a badly drawn lotus flower opening and closing. The aim is to match my breath tovthe image. It does help slow my breathing down to a normal pace when I'm anxious - before a panic attack would normally hit.
Could you do something nice like have a warm bath - a good relaxing soak & then maybe early to bed. Tomorrow may well be better and your normal coping techniques may work again.

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hi @utopia thanks for the advice 🙂 what's the app called? I will look for it. My breathing issues happen when I'm not anxious either 😞 I'm so exhausted from all the physical symptoms it's sending me into depression. I'm only young and I can't date anymore because the symptoms are too bad. 😞

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

It's from a site called Mother Nature Network. It's titled. Feeling Anxious. This GIF can help. It's by Jenn Savedge.
I hope you can find it and that it works as well for you as it did for me

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hope you feeling better, life sucks and the ups and downs are so unpredictable, hang on and live one blink at a time, cos one day at a time is too much. But next blink may be the one where you start to feel a little more normal

Re: Horrible day with anxiety

Hi @Catlover I'm feeling better now, I think ending my my employment as helped big time 🙂 thank you all for York support
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