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Re: A long rave

How was the music gig and weekend away @eth?

Re: A long rave

Hi @Zoe7  The music night was terrific.  I just stayed by my brother all evening and the crowd wasn't too scary.  The music was raw and gutsy, lots of balads sung from the heart, all original.  Then took my meds late and woke up really groggy but needing to be ready to hit the road early.  2 days at the farm were working bees but I mostly just washed dishes (20+ people so lots of them) and helped in the kitchen.  Spent a bit of time harvesting the garlic crop with 2 other people.  Camping was good, but my mattress was inadequate and my hips woke me up lots of times.  It too was a nice crowd and I didn't feel too awkward.  It was easy to be a fringe dweller!


Hope you've had a quiet weekend and that your half day at school goes better for you  today.


I'm going out with a support worker to water tai chi again, then a couple of things to do at the shopping centre, and taking lunch with me so will find somewhere nice to eat.  Hoping we can access the beachfront by now, that the supercars infrastructure has been removed. 

Re: A long rave

It sounds like despite a few issues that the weekend went well @eth and you enjoyed the gig Smiley Happy

I am not working today but need to get a lot done after the pool - hoping the swim will wake me up and give me a bit more energy for this afternoon. It will depend on how many are there and if there is enough room to relax as well as do my exercises. Enjoy water tai chi today Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

Oops @Zoe7 I keep thinking it's Monday!  Hope you make it to the pool today and get all your other stuff done.

Re: A long rave

haha @eth It is definitely Tuesday  - you must have had a rest day yesterday lol

Re: A long rave

Yes I did @Zoe7 stayed in bed a couple of hours longer than usual and spent a couple of hours chopping fruit for M's Christmas pudding but that's about all.  

Re: A long rave

We all need easy days like that sometimes @eth Even though this afternoon will be a really busy one for me I am relaxing this morning - need to recharge a little and the pool will hopefully help with that.

My sister''s partner's family is coming down from Melbourne for christmas so it will be a nice gathering at her place. Las time they came down it was a really nice day but the kids are grown a lot now so that will be a little different. We went over to their place a few years ago and the last 2 years we had christmas at my place - mostly so I didn't have to travel anywhere and I had more time to organise things so it will be nice this year going somewhere else. I will still take Toby though lol

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7 We'll have at least a dozen people here for Christmas from the evening before until boxing day.  Including my mother - which will be a major challenge for me.  I've had almost no contact with her since September when she accused my adult child and her partner of child abuse.  For a different philosophy in their approach to parenting due to adult child being transgender.  What she said (mum) was just so outrageous I stopped all contact with her.  It brought up so much from my past and was completely hippocritical of her.  I could rave about the details but choose not to right now.  I have visited adult child and their family including new baby since then and remain convinced they are actually wonderful parents.  Dedicated and loving and totally protective of their children.  

I better sign off now as I'm going out at 11.30.

Hope the swim refreshes you and the rest of the day goes smoothly.

Re: A long rave

That all sounds so tough to have dealt with @eth but we can't control others misguided opinions or thoughts but only go on what we can see ourselves and your family seem to be loving and caring parents and that is what matters.

I better head off soon myself and get resdy to go. Enjoy you afternoon @eth Heart

Re: A long rave

Hi  @Zoe7  You are right about REST days.  Funny how we do lose a few days when overwhelmed.

Smiley Happy

@eth I am glad you had a wonderful weekend despite it being exhausting.    We need a few peak times to punctuate the mundane.  Good on you for all the socialising and buzzing around the edges of the working bees ... It sounds like a generation gap with you as the bridge between your mother and your adult child.  In our world where change is so fast and diversity so large.  It is both difficult and sad. I have often been in the bridge position. I hope both of them learn to bend a little. 

Smiley Happy

Hey @PeppiPatty Lovely to see you.

Smiley Happy

@Shaz51 @The-red-centaur