โ10-09-2018 05:06 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:06 AM
@CheerBear, yay for me too. Sorry for your hayfever. I used to get that a lot when I lived down south, really troublesome, but it has vanished since I moved north. Possibly due to more humid conditions here. Nice that you can still appreciate the spring scent, which does sound lovely. Lately I have been waking up in the night every two hours. I usually get up for a drink (dry mouth side effect of one of my meds), a quick round on the net, and then back to bed. I am sleeping well in the short bursts of sleep I do get though.
โ10-09-2018 05:10 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:10 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:16 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:16 AM
Lately I've again been taking an old-style antihistamine that helps me with sleep, @CheerBear. I wonder if it would work that way for you too. It was recommended by my psychiatrist as an alternative to regular sleep meds, which are all mostly addictive. It's available over the counter at the chemist. Wish I could tell you the name, but not allowed. It's also helping with itchiness that I've been getting from one of the new meds.
I don't really mind the waking up in the night, as long as the sleep I get is good. I think a whole sleep cycle is only 90 minutes, so it seems I'm mostly not missing out on quality sleep at the moment.
Today I want to return to a women's group I used to go to. It's on fairly early in the morning (by my standards), which is partly why I haven't been for a long time. But this morning I want to make the effort to get out.
What's happening for you today?
โ10-09-2018 05:25 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:25 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:31 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:31 AM
A chill day, but not too quiet, sounds good, @CheerBear. I know what you mean by that too. Since I haven't been doing much in the way of video making, I find myself at a loss some days to fill my time. That tempts me to just sleep. So yes lately I have been making the effort to get out to activities more. Craft group is weekly, as is art, and women's group. So hoping I can get into the habit of going every week. Mainly good for some social contact and getting out of the flat.
Wishing you the very best with the mood stabiliser. Very glad to hear it isn't knocking you around with side effects.
The sky is lightening up here and a small chorus of birds has started up now. Lovely sounds. I'll head back to bed now with that music in my ears.
Soooo good to catch you again in the morning. Best for your day!
โ10-09-2018 05:36 AM
โ10-09-2018 05:36 AM
โ10-09-2018 12:25 PM
โ10-09-2018 12:25 PM
Hi everyone,
@saturnzoon, I too am often tempted to stay in pjs all day, and sometimes do. But I have found that simply getting dressed can help with my depression. Add to that, making the bed, and this often leads on to other helpful activities that lift me little by little out of down states. I also have social anxiety, which you have mentioned experiencing too. When I am at my worst with this, I try if I'm able to make a small step forward simply by going out and checking the mail. I find that any other gentle movements out of the flat expand my range of possibilities for engaging with the world in an ongoing way. These things can be done with or without support workers or NDIS. There is added satisfaction, I find, in being able to initiate our own recovery by doing small things to improve our state of mind and raise our level of satisfaction with life. Hoping these might be useful thoughts in relation to our shared troubles. Wishing you well in your journey of recovery.
@Shaz51, glad you got a little bit of extra sleep on Saturday, though 8am is not a sleep-in by my standards! Wondering how your mum is and how your day goes today.
@greenpea, thanks for saying such a lovely thing about love and care. You are very loved on the forum too, my friend, and very much missed at those times you sometimes need a break. Your lively spirit lifts those of many of us here.
@Former-Member, nice to see you here. Sending good wishes for your day.
@Appleblossom, today may be one of your days off from the forum, but saying hi anyway for when you next get on board. Sounds good that you are getting other things done on the computer while taking a bit less time here.
@PeppiPatty, thanks for your thoughts. I am hoping to get in another walk today, on the beach to the local village shops to do some errands and perhaps check out some op shops. What have you been up to since you decided to put off your study? Any art or poetry?
@eth, wondering how yesterday went for you and what you might be up to today. Love your way.
@Exoplanet, wondering how the time at home feels after your great trip away. I'm guessing the fencing you were doing yourself is finished now? I wouldn't mind getting a little housework done today too. I have made the bed. Aside from that, we'll see how I go.
@Faith-and-Hope, @Teej, everyone, sending kind wishes for a rewarding day.
โ10-09-2018 01:50 PM
โ10-09-2018 01:50 PM
@Mazarita@CheerBear@Faith-and-Hope@Former-Member@Shaz51@eth@outlander and all of the formites wishing everyone a faulous afternoon. Sun is shining, beautiful blue sky .... simply a stunning day. Enjoy xxxxx:)
โ10-09-2018 01:55 PM
โ10-09-2018 01:55 PM
โ10-09-2018 04:51 PM - edited โ10-09-2018 04:54 PM
โ10-09-2018 04:51 PM - edited โ10-09-2018 04:54 PM
Hi @Mazarita @greenpea @CheerBear and anyone else around this afternoon. I haven't caught up on the last few pages yet but will do so shortly.
@Mazarita Love back atcha Yesterday with the new support worker ('care worker' she calls herself) went really well. 3 hours contact time. We went down to the wharf and caught a ferry to the other side of the harbour, walked to a cafe and got a coffee and took it to a park where we chatted for a while, then caught the ferry back. She's really nice and gave me the impression she will really help me work towards goals, unlike the one from PHaMs over the last 6 months (tho I will still have her occasionally when the regular ones aren't available). Plus we had a nice connection about growing up sailing. It was great to get out on the water but it did trigger some strong memories from 9 years ago that I wasn't prepared for. I managed not to talk about that until we were in the park, didn't have a full flashback experience. She was really reassuring.
Then today another significant event - I gave sil's mum an hour massage which I felt really good about and she's told me this afternoon that her pain has diminished so mission accomplished. I was a lot more confident today than when I did my bro a few months ago. I think re-reading my massage manual before I went made a big difference, especially the chapter on massaging the elderly. Stuff I knew but it was good to have a refresher.
Looking forward to catching up with everyone.
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