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Re: A long rave

they are nice pics @Exoplanet would love to be there

Re: A long rave

Good evening all,

@greenpea, those 'Frasier' jokes at the expense of Nile's wife (I think it's 'Maris'), and the fact you never see her, are funny. Reminds me of how you never see Howard's mum in 'The Big Bang Theory' (just hear her raucous voice, lol). And in 'Seinfeld', you only ever get to see the back of George's boss's head. Good to hear you may have made a new friend at your CAT group. By the way, what is a CAT group?

@Exoplanet, so happy for you that the trip was so successful. The images are beautiful, great to see! Awesome that you are now considering doing the trip three times a year to get away from baiting seasons. You have opened up your adventure options by overcoming your fears. Proud of you, and inspired!

@eth, really glad to hear that things are moving forward more now, that you've seen the co-ordinator of supports two days in a row, and sound like you are feeling less anxious and more supported as time goes by. Today I've felt tired and unwell, but I got out for a long beach walk, went to craft group and did some household things that needed doing. Pleased with myself for not just giving in to the tiredness today.

@Shaz51, good to hear you might be having a restful time tomorrow. You so deserve it! Sending kindest wishes to you and your mum. Enjoy the sleep in tomorrow.

@Sophia1@Appleblossom, good to hear from you too. 

@everyone, hope you find something to enjoy this Friday night.


Re: A long rave

hoping to have a sleepin my scotirish sister @Mazarita, @mr shaz wants to do tings around the house bu I think I will like a sleepin xxx

How are you my @Mazarita

Re: A long rave

Congrats for today @Mazarita  well done xx

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita I love all those shows and their characters particularly the ones that you dont 'see'! lol. Sorry is ACT : Accept your thoughts and feelings and be present, Connect with your values, Take effective Action.

Re: A long rave

Hi @Sophia1 how are you going tonight?

Re: A long rave

Good morning everyone.

It's cold here this morning but there's not a cloud in the sky and it looks like we're heading for a nice day today. I've been listening to and watching so many birds out and about this morning and appreciating all of the colours in trees, garden beds and pots. Best time of the year for it 😊

I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up here but wanted to come by and say hi and wish everyone a day with some good in it today ❤

Re: A long rave

Hello Everyone 🙂

HeartHeartHeart @CheerBear, so glad that Mother Nature has sent the birds to greet you this morning & turned on the colours in the garden for you to see Heart

It rained here last night & again this morning 😄 😄 😄 Just in the nick of time for my tank!! I checked it yesterday & it was getting pretty low, . . . now it's 3/4 full again 😄

Love to all Heart

@Mazarita @outlander @eth @greenpea @Sophia1 @Teej @Appleblossom @everybody

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave

@eth @Exoplanet @CheerBear @outlander @greenpea @Mazarita@Appleblossom


a quick note to let you know:


I will be off of here at some time ....might not have enough time to let everyone know or remember every thread or every name...

I will be back once fully moved into new place..


look after yourselves each and every one of you along with others on here I have connected with and forgotten names

@Teej take care too


Cat IndifferentHeart