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Re: Request: A long rave

Ohh @greenpea , @TAB , @Adge , @outlander 

Lunchtime here 

Re: Request: A long rave

Sounds good @Shaz51 

10.45am here.

So I've got a while to go yet, till lunch time


Re: Request: A long rave

oh the West, of course @Adge  well hope lunch is okay. I did 4 days in hosp like 2 years ago. loved the routine and to just be able to sit and watch. the tea trolley, lunch , etc etc 

Re: Request: A long rave

Hey @Adge Lovely to see you on the forums but sorry it is not under better circumstances. Miss chatting to you 💕

Re: Request: A long rave

Hey Tabby Cat @TAB How's life?

Re: Request: A long rave

.. I coulda said the same re @Adge , well and you and prob a few others. it's good when people improve their lot and go off here, notso much otherwise. I spend wayy too much time on here tho lol

Success list (not exhaustive)

and a few that went on to being peer workers  Good on them All.

um, nor sure when we last talked. 

I moved back to SA?

bought house w inheritance and moved in gosh 6 ish months ago now.

house being set up is within sight now, next steps a few more outside blinds and have shadesail to put up, needing a lounge and some kitchen drawers and cupboards and wardrobe, but not in a rush. I:

  • got insulation in ceiling.
  • got all whitegoods
  • kitchen furniture, bed etc
  • had ceiling fans installed and smoke alarm as wasnt one.
  • had 2 huge trees in back yard cut down, was dubious about that, but its more of a long term thing, plus had surface roots visible 10 metres away, pretty sure was in septic. not getting that fixed in a hurry so had to become a bit aware and got ''éarth'' cleaners and collecting tins to make soap holders to put under taps for washing etc lol well could smell septic if close to it but am imagining not noticed it since threw bad cleaners out (?) .. did not realise everything goes into septic. back on farm as kid, was open drain 20 metres from house and the only thing that was connect to septic was toilet 

Anyway, also health issues, am trying to work on getting some level of basic fitness  need to  lose a Lot, going to take time.

Had some pretty good jobs , one actually went through with medical and got told to go to emergency lol

um not had any visitors for a while, not expecting any, dont feel like going anywhere, just waiting for xmas here I guess. will be on my own again, bla bla, ok thats bout it

are you still not well ? how are things going with you ?

Re: Request: A long rave



Hey good to see you posting. Wish it were under better circumstances.  I have been a glum bum last couple of days as my busyness was reduced cos someone got covid.  Did not expect my mood to plummet. It is wot it is.  Take care Mate


@TAB Great summary of forum news. 

I noticed that weird glitch a few times with other people. Something about how the forum threads are wired???

Re: Request: A long rave

.. yeah I had something similar w dates and times @Appleblossom  in the end seemed fix itself or was never wrong, no it was , link would take you to very first page in thread .. anyhoo..

well thats a learning thing re mood . Better prepared next time I guess. covid seems to be getting around again lately ..

Re: Request: A long rave

Evening all @Adge I hope you get the help you need and feel better soon.


@TAB hope everything works out well with your house, I'm in SA as well and my son's school had some covid cases in his year, he was lucky tested him and he didn't have it, but we are hearing more about it going around again. 


@Appleblossom @Zoe7 @Mazarita @Shaz51 nice to catch up on some posts, been having trouble with my eldest son again missed a out a week again on here, I do miss not coming on here to see how everyone is going, gets lonely when I don't,

seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow so hoping he can help me with some suggestions on how to

cope with my eldest as he always triggers me and it's really hard sometimes to just get through each day and not give up.

Re: Request: A long rave

Hi @Zoe7 

Good to see you too.

Yes I miss chatting to you too.

I just find it really hard to communicate via text/ typing.

Having Dyslexia

That's the primary reason for my absence from the forums.

Certainly not any lack of interest.

It takes me an age just to do a short brie message.
