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Re: A long rave

Sorry @Mazarita  and @Appleblossom  I'm onto the next task now.  Take good care both of you - think of you way more often than I get here.  Hearts to @Shaz51 @Zoe7  and @Emelia  too.  

Re: A long rave

@eth good to focus on one thing, hope all goes easier than anticipated.


@Appleblossom with the occasional/sporadic support workers, there was an early painful difficulty, others followed by intense 12 hours of more of social anxiety afterwards, replaying fragments of conversation and exchanges, worried about them. I decided I wanted to find easier chemistry with people I am seeing every week so more me than them.


The Four Seasons filling the house while your son does the dishes - marvellous!


Edit: going offline now. Love and well wishes to all. 

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita @eth Love to you both ๐Ÿ’–

Re: A long rave

So good to hear from you MazyHeart @Mazarita ,

I think of you often & it's good to know your out there doing things that you enjoy.
I hope C is feeling better & you've got your groove back ๐Ÿ˜‰ I still admire your
ability to use public transport, not that there's any out here . . . Oh, by the way,
I'm not in that place you mentioned, it's like 10 hours away from me, I'm not that
far in & a little further up the country - but when I consider the vastness out here,
. . . your pretty darn close ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm fully vaccinated now, the only reaction I got was
a few aches after the second jab. But maybe when they open up the borders, I
might try to make my way down to that areas local river, it looks like a nice spot.

Lots of love to you Heart

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth @Appleblossom @Exoplanet @Zoe7 and all,


It's been two weeks since I last posted here at the forum, but feels like a month or more. I often marvel at this aspect of being on the forum - the way my sense of time here seems to be different than in the real world.


I am about day 13 into a bout of shingles. Anyone who knows about shingles will know about the awful nerve pain that goes with it. It's been a shocker of a time with that and still now, though less than at its worst. My biggest fear is the continuation of the nerve pain once rashes fully clear up. Apparently the nerve pain, the worst of it for me, can continue for months and months after the rashes are gone.


It's knocked me for six with the rhythm of ndis activities that I had built steadily over some months, up to five days a week with activities or appointments (3 of these being 5 hour sessions with support workers). But sleep has been so hard with the shingles pain that my clock is all out of whack again. This makes my carefully developed routine of weekly activities just not work.


I had a first support session yesterday for about 10 days (had to reduce it to 2 hours instead of 5 due to lack of sleep night before). All we did was go grocery shopping but I was totally wrecked, destabilised and distraught all evening, crying from pain and probably just trying too hard with support again too soon.


Bugger it all, I feel sh*t. I've only had 2 hours sleep overnight and sent a message to support worker for today to reduce our time from 5 hours to 2 hours. Already warned her I may end up cancelling altogether. Need to go back to bed. Sleep more important for healing than planned activities.


The bright light at the moment is my psychologist/hypnotherapist. Whatever sanity I have left in me from this shingles experience is significantly due to the regular hypnoses we have been doing since April. Yesterday I listened again to recordings of two of them. Almost always I am listening to at least one a day, ranging from 20 minutes to 50 minutes each.


But at the intensity of pain I've been in and the way it's been wearing down my resilience day after day, there is truly nothing like rstrong prescription pain relief. I would not be sitting here writing without having taking some in the middle of last night.


Hope you don't mind me tagging you into this account of my days right now. I do not know when I will be back to reply to any tags arising, but sending love and well wishes and hopes for good times. Heart

Re: A long rave

Oh MazyHeart @Mazarita 

Get well soon!

Lots of love to you Heart

Re: A long rave

So sorry to hear what's going on for you @Mazarita   Sending my warmest wishes and strong hope that you will recover fully before too long and not have the residual pain - it doesn't happen to everyone.  I agree that sleep is the best medicine.  

I think there's an antiviral shot you can get from the doctor - not sure if it's prophylactic or preventative but worth asking about.


Take good care my friend.  

Re: A long rave

That is truly horrible for you @Mazarita and so debilitating Smiley Sad Do not worry about being here or replies - you are number one right now so keep doing what you need to look after yourself and I hope this pain ends for you soon. Hugs and hugs sweet Maz Heart


Hi also @Exoplanet and @eth Always lovely to see you both here Heart

Re: A long rave

Oh No @Mazarita Sounds really horrid dose of shingles.  Get your rest and listen to your body.  


Lovely to get a tag and know you are still tuning in to forums from time to time.

Gentle Hugs



Good to see you all @Exoplanet @eth @Zoe7 


I had a couple days off line.

Good to get a break.


Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

It is good to have breaks @Appleblossom - so pleased you did and it helped. Hugs Hon Smiley HappyHeart