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Re: 14th year house bound

Karen please don't be upset, please don't trigger, i am not offended or upset, please don't let one little thing ruin the night, i have had auto spell do the same thing to me.


What are you and the girls going to do tonight?


I am starting the mandalay and watching a movie, so i will be here a while, try not to go to bed until 9pm, so please feel free to speak to me, i would like to chat some more.


Be safe my angel



Re: 14th year house bound

Hi Jacques

So embarrassed, sorry.


It's my dad's 75 birthday tomorrow. The girls have made a marble cake and decorated it. They have also made chocolate ripple biscuit cake. And some sausage rolls.

They have also been to the park.

Just a quiet night, to calm them down, as I speak they are decorating the house with streamers.

I have a new mandalas book they want to do. Maybe a DVD, Scooby doo

Thanks for your help j.

Re: 14th year house bound

Wow look j I did it!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you......

I would hate to think that anyone read that, I'm not like that. Just our secret.

Oh by the way you can stop laughing now:-)

Your an awesome teacher j

Re: 14th year house bound

Karen it is forgotton, let's mention it no more, i know how upsetting it must be for you.


OMG Karen another birthday, how nice, Sounds like you are going to have an awsome day tomorrow, yyyuuummm sausage rolls, he is so lucky, if i where their i would eat them all Smiley Happy


OMG, lol, the girls sound like great kids, streamers, it is so good to see they get right into the birthdays.  I am sure your father is going to be so happy.


Oh boy scooby doo and mandalay, move over, sounds like my kind of night, i think i will do the same,


Karen thank you for speaking to me, i was really worried about you all last night, i could not wait until this morning to see if you where ok.

Re: 14th year house bound

OMg i am so proud of you, you learn so fast, you are so smart, i wish i could learn things as quickly as you. 


Yes just our little secret, I didn't want to say anything, i thought you would be upset, but i did find it quite funny, i had a little chuckle.


Let us enjoy the night!!!!!!  i will bring the pop corn for the movie!!!!!

Re: 14th year house bound

Jacques I would never do anything to hurt you. I just sometimes need someone to help me challenge the negative and dark stuff. You know me better than anyone and help me unconditionally and understand what I am going through. I am always here for you.


Welcome to movie night thanks for bringing the pop corn. The girls are blowing up pink balloons to decorate the house.

They are very excited


Re: 14th year house bound

Good luck getting the little people to settle down, they sound like they are going to be hyperactive until tomorrow, it is so nice to hear the girls are excited, i worry about them and i worry about you, you must be a little excited too.


wow pink baloons, how many are they going to blow up?


The house sounds like a wonderland, by the time the girls are finished decorating their will be no space for people Smiley LOL


Karen, i am so glad you aloow me to be so close to you, you allow me to earn your trust, thank you i feel so honoured, i promise i will never betray that trust.


Thank you Karen you have made my night.


You know you are the only person i have allowed myself to open up too, i have never bee nable to trust anyone, you are the only one.

Re: 14th year house bound

Karen i told you that i worried all last night, not to upset you but to let you know i care about you, to let you know you are not alone, that someone cares, that you are worth something to me.


Thank you for just being you.

Re: 14th year house bound

No I'm not looking forward to it. For some reason I don't like birthdays. Maybe it's the noise, or people, just makes me overwhelmed. Seems everything does these days.

The girls are having a singing competition so much for them calming down.

10 balloons all pink and purple....

Jacques you know I trust you and I feel comfortable around you. You are the only one who truly understands me. I am so grateful to have met such a kind, considerate thoughtful person.

Your friendship is so important to me, I am honoured that you can trust me. I don't know why we share such a special bond, and that we found one another again. You challenge me and make me fight when I don't want to. You teach me you are so gifted j. 

Hope you night is a bit quieter than mine:-)

Re: 14th year house bound

Yes Karen i understand i don't like birthdays either, their are too many people.


I will be thinking of you tomorrow, make sure if you become overwhelmed, you go for a walk down the street or something, to take a break from the noise and crowd.


Lol, yes i think the girls are going to be going for a while tonight, just enjoy them being happy Karen, they have a tough time too.


I don't understand why we have such a close bond either, but i really look forward to every day now knowing i am going to speak to you.  you make my life worthwhile. you give me a reason to keep going.


I think my night will be a little quieter, i am just doing a mandalay now.  i am starting to enjoy them, thank you so much for getting me onto them.