12-09-2015 10:27 AM
12-09-2015 10:27 AM
12-09-2015 01:02 PM
12-09-2015 01:02 PM
Hey Jacques
I hope you get a sleep this afternoon. Listen to your body and rest when you can.
I sometimes wonder if I have chronic fatigue syndrome. It's just not normal to feel this tired all the time.
Sorry I tend to dissociate its a way to cope with the dark stuff.
12-09-2015 03:55 PM
12-09-2015 03:55 PM
Sorry My angel, i read your post, but was washing the car, so i could not stop.
I didn't manage a sleep but i am so exhausted, i was exhaused in the first 10 min, i only mowed 5-6 strips of lawn and i felt so drained, but i forced myself to push on, i am paying for it now, sneezing, ichy eyes and aching wrist.
Karen it is funny you should mention chronic fatigue syndrome, my mother only said at lunch time that she thinks i suffer from the illness too, i sleep so much but am always tired, it could be the medication, but sometimes i wonder.
Karen Maybe it is our bodies way of telling us to slow down, or it is a way for the brain to cope with the daily trauma, i know the more i push myself the more Lethargic i become.
My angel, please don't be sorry i disassociate too, quite alot i hate to say, i think this is another coping mechanism for our brains.
Please be kind to yourself, remember you are not alone with this, i have the same thoguhts, the same feelings, the same emotions.
You are a great friend, i would so like to hug you and tell you everything will be alright, remember it is just the illness.
Be safe my angel, i hope this afternoon is kind to you.
your friend
12-09-2015 04:37 PM - edited 12-09-2015 06:32 PM
12-09-2015 04:37 PM - edited 12-09-2015 06:32 PM
Wow Jacques what an awesome effort today. I bet you are aching everywhere. Maybe a long hot bath to ease the aches and pains.
I agree the more I try and do the more exhausted and overwhelmed I feel. I don't understand what is happening to me. But the longer this goes on the worse I feel.
The anti depression medication is an SNRI it's the fifth different sort of anti depression med I've tried. I'm also on an anti psychotic med, then there is the prn and then night meds to help with sleep. I feel like a walking pharmacy.
The trauma certainly causes me to dissociate when things become too much.
I suppose the body would be exhausted trying to fight itself with all the symptoms all the time.
My mind races.
Maybe a treat for you tonight J a block of you favorite chocolate, for a wonderful effort today. I bet the garden looks great, nothing like freshly cut grass. Except if you have hay fever:-)
12-09-2015 04:46 PM
12-09-2015 04:46 PM
Oh yes, i had a nice hot shower, it felt amazing.
I am so tired i could drop off right now, i am trying not to though otherwise i will get panic attacks.
Yes me too Karen, i used to only sleep 1 afternoon per week, now i sleep every afternoon, i am getting worse, but i stuggle to fight the urge to sleep.
Yes i agree my body having so much adrenaline running through it all the time and the other physical symptoms of anxiety, i can uderstand my body being worn out, everything races.
Yes my mind is all over the place, racing thoughts, good and bad. fears and terrors, the only way i can describe my brain is like a huricane, that is the best description i can give, everything running 100Mph
Oh yes the garden looks good, i am worried about the infestation of Aphids on the new shrubs, i sprayed them this morning, so i hope it works.
My angel make sure you use destraction techniques if things get too much.
12-09-2015 05:07 PM
12-09-2015 05:07 PM
J I hope your wrist is ok. Please don't wait until it gets worse. Make sure you see your Dr if needed.I worry about you...
Do you have anything planned for tonight, watching a documentary, listening to music, or just surfing the web.
Rest up my friend you deserve it.
12-09-2015 05:12 PM
12-09-2015 05:12 PM
Oh my goodness I just 're read my post the stupid auto spell on the tablet changed my word. I'm so sorry.
I don't know how to change it. Jacques sorry I ment prn not the other word. Oh anxiety and panic so sorry Jacques I would never use that word.
Oh I'm so stupid.
12-09-2015 05:13 PM
12-09-2015 05:13 PM
12-09-2015 05:14 PM
12-09-2015 05:14 PM
I will Karen, i am going to give it a few more days, to see if it is tendens or something like that, if it does not get better i am going to the doctors.
Well tonight, i am going to do another Mandala, and mybe watch a movie, and of course talk to my best friend, if she is up for it
What have you and the girls got lined up for tonight? i know you will be talking to me , but what else?
12-09-2015 05:17 PM
12-09-2015 05:17 PM
Karen, calm down, i understood what you ment, i was just too shy to say anything. Ok click on edit above the post change the word then click post.
I have the same problem with auto spell on my phone, so embarrassing!!!!
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