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Re: 14th year house bound

Glad to see you around @Jacques ... Our feelings tend to move around so much dont they?

I had a bad spot and have upped my meds ... but still doing what has to be done ... my carpet has a few cat surpises on it which I put off for a bit ... but next job Woman Indifferent

I dont mean to butt in ... and I notice if you and @hiddenite have gone quiet. We like having you both around.


A lot of us are upset about the stuff thats been in the news lately ... its a bummer that the powers that be are so reactive. Heart

Re: 14th year house bound

Oh Jacques im so sorry things ha v e become so difficult.
the last couple of days have been exhausting emotionally and physically.
Are you practicing your mindfulness, using you senses. Light an insence stick. Bresthing meditation. Posative affirmations. They are just thoughts I am not my thoughts and you dont have to act on them.
have you heard about foot meditation where you take of your shoes and socks and walk on the grass or carpet notice the feelings you get is it soft warm prickly cold.
Im thinking of you my friend anything I can do to help please let me know.
take care stay safe
big hugs to you

Re: 14th year house bound

Sorry i have not been here for you my angel, i have failed you when you need me most. i am so sorry

Re: 14th year house bound

Jacques you have not failed me at all. Its what I said that srarted this mess please accept my apology.
You are the most important person and you need to take care of you first.
If there is anything i can do please let me know.
Jacques im so worried about you please don't shut me out.

Re: 14th year house bound

Karen no need to be sorry, we where just trying to express our fears and our emotions.


Karen i am so frightened i will be removed and i will lose touch with you, i just don't want to say anything that will jeopardise our friendship. the last couple of days have been so tough not being able to speak to you.  i am so scared that one day we will have the same thing happen as on the other forum.


Karen please look after yourself, i do hope things are getting better their.  i feel so much like crying but i can't.

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @Jacques and @hiddenite

I want to assure you both, no one is being removed, so please rest easy.


Re: 14th year house bound

I know how you feel Jacques. Its difficult enough being in here but having the extra stress has been excruciating.
J can I just sit with you for awhile if thats ok , I need a friend

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi nik it was such a traumatic experience what happened to us before this is just triggering the past experience.
Also i didnt manage it at all and made an attempt on my life. So if you can understand this is very difficult for both of us.
at least im safe in the mental health unit.
Than you for reassuring us.

Re: 14th year house bound

thank you Karen, that would be nice, i have been in a daze for 2 days, so confused and frightened.
Not applicable

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @hiddenite and @Jacques

I'm sorry you're both struggling somuch at the moment. I don't think the mods would remove you, just want to keep the forums a healthy and positive place for us all and a place where we can support each other in our journies onwards and upwards! I'm glad you are safe in the unit karen and hopefully you are being supported. 

@Jacques I don't think there is any need for blame or shame here, I think this is a really safe place and even if you've been asked to change something its not 'the end' of anything, you're still here, and very much liked and valued by so many people here. please keep posting and supporting Karen and yourself. 

I had a rough start to the week too, I saw someone that shouldnt have been there where the children and i were and then later again in the day and I've been feeling on edge ever since. I've started putting my phone alarm on to go off every hour and doing a breathing exercise. I've also set aside some time to colour each day and been trying (and failing most days so far...) to go for a walk. 

Is there anything that you could do for you from your coping box that might help you (over time - my psychologist says unless we really do something for a few weeks or longer we may not notice the benefits) 


please keep posting,