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Re: 14th year house bound

Karen you do so much with the girls, so much at the school, at home, on hollidays, they would be devistated without you Karen, i know you don't feel that way, but i can tell you, when i was a child i would have been devistated if my parents where not their, Karen you are a wonderful person and a loving, caring mum.


I know how you are feeling, i feel overwhelmed and disconnected, i have all day.  I think this documentary is just hitting to close to home for the both of us.  How are you going to distract tonight?


I am listening to music now, and talking to my best friend Smiley Happy,  and maybe watch a movie later, how about you?

Re: 14th year house bound

just need to rest exhausted from being so overwhelmed. Have you got a spare sleeping bag and hot water bottle?

Re: 14th year house bound

Yeah, by all means, I understand that there won't be difficult times. I always refer back to this picture - because I think it's the reality of it:


Jacques - so great that you are listening to music and have taken yourself outside. 

Karen - I'm concerned that you aren't taking up any activities to keep you grounded. I'm particularly concerned about how you're talking about your children at the moment.

Are you able to do any of the grounding activities you were discussing with Jacques earlier?


Re: 14th year house bound

Karen, i think for people like you and me, their is no way to be cured for the moment, i think the key for us is to find a safe place, a home and enjoy our surroundings, your home sounds like it is going to be beautiful, my home is my oasis.  Karen we need to find simple things that make us smile from time to time, things that make me smile:



  1. you Smiley Happy
  2. frogs
  3. birds
  4. rain
  5. water
  6. farm animals
  7. a good song
What makes you smile Karen?

Re: 14th year house bound

Karen, i will shuffle over, come join me, it is so warm and safe.  our security blanket.


I think it is time for you to get some rest too Karen, you have been very stressed lately, My friend i am here anytime you need me.

Re: 14th year house bound

my girls






Re: 14th year house bound

sorry Nik

Trying tO get my breathing and anxiety under control.

Essential oil


Use my senses

Re: 14th year house bound

That is excellent Karen, i am glad i make you smile Smiley Happy,


how about thinks that help improve your mood?


Mine are


  1. Building
  2. animals
  3. music
  4. Mandala
  5. pacing

Re: 14th year house bound

Oh I wish I felt warm and safe. Thanks Jacques you had better scoot over and don't sit on me:-)

Thank you so much for you support Jacques I appreciate it.

I hope you manage to rest.

Goodnight my friend


Re: 14th year house bound


Playing with the girls



