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Re: 14th year house bound



You are my best friend, these feelings will pass, use your sensory box, please hang in their.



Re: 14th year house bound

Sorry I don't want to upset anyone . Jacques and Nik I have made a safety plan with suicide line. 

If things progress I know what to do

Re: 14th year house bound

that's it my friend,


i am so proud of you, i was nearly in tears, i thought i was going to lose you, you are my best friend, i don't know what i would do if i lost you.


Every morning when i wake up i am looking forward to your first post, until the last post in the evening. you are so special to me, you understand me so well, i would be lost without you.

Re: 14th year house bound

Thanks Karen for letting us know. I really admire you reaching out for help. It shows alot of strength and resilience.

I'm here to sit around the fire with you, if that helps?


Re: 14th year house bound


Smiley Very Happy eat up, if i don't eat them all myself, i should have brought marshmellows, but oh well

Re: 14th year house bound

Thanks Nik looks perfect.


Jacques I would give anything to be able to cry. Just a normal emotion.


Re: 14th year house bound

Oh Jacques thank you I know you don't like to share

Re: 14th year house bound

Me too Karen, me too!!!!!


I am on the verge of crying now, but the tears will not flow, it is so frustrating, their is only one outlet for my emotions, but i don't want to upset you.


Karen, you are so strong, i wish i was able to reach out like you do, i am just too scared of phones, to scared of saying what i am really thinking, Thak you for showing be it is ok to be struggling, their is always help if you reach out for it.

Re: 14th year house bound

So Karen, what are you and the girls getting up to tonight?


I did 2 mandalay today, found it very triggering, but rewarding when completed. thank you my friend for getting me onto them.


remember to breath Karen, i am always with you. you are never alone, i am going to be like a fly that is always bugging you Smiley Tongue, please don't use flyspray on me, Smiley LOL

Re: 14th year house bound


Come Karen, sit with me by the fire, some marshmellows too, lets just sit together.