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Looking after ourselves

Re: Partner with BPD

Hey @Bee36 @Bloss @Chook_ @Sweetpotato ,


How are you all going? I'm just re-reading this thread and am thinking about you at the same time. Hope you are all okay.

Re: Partner with BPD

@tyme Thanks for the check in and the thoughts! 

Things have been calm, wouldn’t say “good” but there has definitely been some good in there- far less erratic. 

I'm hoping to get into this 12 week course called family connections, just waiting to hear back from them to start this. 

Hope all is well with you as well and thanks again 

Re: Partner with BPD

That's so great @Chook_ ! Hope you hear from them soon. 


We've had people from Family Connections join us here on the forums in the past for chats about BPD. Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:3... 


You may also find these chats helpful Topic Tuesday // Supporting loved ones living with BPD // Tuesday 25th January, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT 


LIVE CHAT: BPD for Friends, Family and Carers - This Sunday 3rd October 7:00-8:30pm AEDT 

Re: Partner with BPD

That is so lovely that you are checking on are you going???? @tyme. I am doing better this week, thank you so much for asking...whats working for me atm  is I have actively been trying to focus less on my husbands negativity and sometimes hostile behaviours. Instead i have been trying to notice and control my own  reactions to it more...I am just trying to contain any situations as quickly as I can and move on....I have reduced my working hours to be home earlier in the afternoon to do the afterschool shift and dinner preparations to reduce potential triggers for my husband upon his arrival home from work...I am sitting down to read more.....meditating/yoga....more self love....and listening to so many audio books on BPD, I pop on relaxing music in the afternoon, burn essential oils and candles...really trying to set the vibe for this place lol...weekends are definately our hardest challenge as everybody is home more...contain and move on is my motto atm...hello @Chook_ 

Re: Partner with BPD

Hey @Bee36 ,


Sounds like you are engaging in a lot of self-care activities which is great to hear. It really reminds us all that we need to look after ourselves more. I can sense the afternoon vibe just by reading your post! It sounds so relaxing and something we all need more of!


In terms of BPD audiobooks, what are the like? Do they have actual books to read or are they only audiobooks? I'm not fond of audiobooks. I go for books instead.


How old are the kid/s?



Re: Partner with BPD

@Bee36 That sounds great! Good on you, it’s definitely important for us to look after ourselves, after all we are no use helping others if we are empty and I totally agree- the moment I started focusing on my reactions to the outbursts and difficult behaviours the easier it was to keep moving forward. 
what books are you listening too? 

@tyme all of the audio books I have read I also have the hard copy so I can go back and reread or highlight/mark certain parts- I find the audio book is good as I spend so long in the car driving to work each day but I can then consolidate it all by going back and reading parts that stuck out. 

Re: Partner with BPD

Currently listening to Loving Someone With BPD , and have just recently listened to Stop Walking on Eggshells and also I Hate You Dont Leave Me @Chook_  hope you get to have a pleasant weekend 🙂

Re: Partner with BPD

Has to be done!! We really do just let life creep in sometimes and neglect to do for the books as @Chook_  mentioned they all have hard copies , I love to read, but different material...I feel like the perks of audiobooks are that you can absorb so much more material more quickly by getting to do both, I'm unable to sit and read for hours, not for lack of wanting to...whereas my job allows for me to listen to audiobooks alot of the time...or driving etc they are 5, 10 and 12 @tyme. All girls 🥰

Re: Partner with BPD



this is the thread @Bloss , @tyme , @Chook_ , @Bee36 

Re: Partner with BPD

Hi @Chook_ @Bee36 @Bloss @Sharni-lea ,


How's the BPD world going for you all?


I've just been looking at some resources and events published by The Australian BPD Foundation.


Have a look at the events, groups, supports in your Australian State.

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