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Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hello @quietscreams Heart

thank you soo much , thinking about what I do throughout the day for myself and you are soo right

for mE time I find even having a cup of tea is my timeout like @Former-Member said for herself

When you remember yourself, and help yourself, you help those around you too.
Going for a little walk helps too. X --- I love this comment xx

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hi There,

I read your comment about not having any support. What state of Australia do you live in? In NSW we have the first Carer Retreat where any carer can come and talk to support workers and social workers, where we offer you food and drinks and to have a place to rest and have time for yourself. It is located in the heart of Gosford City, opposite the Hospital, so it is in a perfect position for you if you take your partner or loved one to the hospital and then spend some time here.

We know that being a carer, you never get time for yourself and would like to be listened to. We are here from 9am-4:30pm for anyone who needs support.

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hello @PaigeT,

how are you today ?

thank you for your comments , I am in far north quennsland

Hello @artee, @quietscreams, @Faith-and-Hope, @PeppiPatty

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

For 'me time' I have moved out!

Just yesterday I finally took the plunge and got my own place. I care about my partner deeply but I also care about myself. We'll stay,or try to, stay together living apart. It's been 3 long years living together in her place and fitting in with her unusual behaviours that include her picking up after me everytime I do anything e.g. putting spread away while I'm still eating my toast or stressing that I've left one shirt on top of the washing machine.

Its been hard being a partner/carer in the same house. Perhaps you see this as a cop out. She does. But I can't handle the monitoring anymore. I lost myself in her illness. All I could think about each night was the fight we'd had again, the moodiness, anger and blame and then extreme vulnerability and despair. Bipolar, child trauma, bpd. It doesn't really matter anymore what the diagnosis is (bipolar meds without bipolar behaviour). I just can't take it anymore. I feel relief to have a place of my own where I can invite her into my space and have some control over my own environment. She's hurt, wounded, feels abandoned but I am trying not to feel guilty. I haven't left her, just left a situation of high conflict and distress and walking on eggshells and my becoming more and more reactive. I hope eventually it will settle down but seeing her distress as I packed my things was heartbreaking.

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hi @Jane9 .....

I can relate .... not quite the same way, but my hubby's mi causes "monitoring" .....

Enjoy the brain-space ❣

Not applicable

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Mental illness fellowship have carer support in far north Queensland

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Awww. I feel sorry for you both. Heartbreaking but I understand completely. It's so difficult and never ending. I hope it works better while living seperately.

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

hello everyone  @quietscreams@Former-Member@Faith-and-Hope@Jane9 @Jo


like many carers we dont get much me time- so when i do i try to do my artwork, go for a scenic drive, journal or write poems