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Synthetic Cannabis

Hi All,


This is my first post, I feel lost, my husband starting using synthetic cannabis earlier this year (from normal cannabis) and it has changed everything,

He turned into a completely different person, he starting becoming aggressive, and then he starting lying all the time and smoking more and more.

He self harmed and threatened suicide, i've tried to convince him to get help, he is on anti depressants.

If he doesn't get what he wants he will psychologically abuse me until I crack, I have had to hide our savings in another account, 

I don't know what to do anymore.. his not the man I once knew, he can't see it.

he cancels his work shifts and goes days with showering or sleeping. 

he blames me for everything.. 


Re: Synthetic Cannabis

I think we might be going thru same thing - I recently posted about my bi-polar partner. He also uses the synthetic cannabis. I actually think it is worse than the real stuff - unknown chemicals reacting with an already volatile brain. He is now very violent whereas that was very rarely a symptom of his mania. All I can stress is that it is impossible to deal with if they continue to use, it's like fighting a fire with fuel. There is also some research about the more harmful effects of that synthetic stuff. Is there anyway u can get someone to talk to him if he will not listen to u? I know someone who took drugs and was shown some press about it potentially causing permanent impairment and it scared him off it. I don't mean to add to your worry but it ipjust seems to be similar to what I am going thru and I feel your pain. J

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

Welcome to the forums @tigger84,

@Jacob101, just thought I'd link @Jacob101  thread here if you want to hear about their story. There's a few referrals and posts from other members about how to respond on that thread.

You may also find SHARC a helpful resource, the provide Family Drug Helpline, where you can chat to other people who have cared for someone with a drug issues. They also have resources and programs to learn ways to help others with subtstance abuse issues too. The ADF also has some resources too.

Sounds like your husband has changed a lot since he's starting using synthetic cannabis. Does he feel that his use of this substance is a problem or does he think it's not an issue?



Re: Synthetic Cannabis

My husband has always had issues with drugs since he was young, when he smoked natural cannabis we didn't have many issues at all, it's only that he changed to this and everything changed. I had a big chat to him last night, after he did another day of emotional abuse, I'm hoping to get him into a hospital, to be honest I think he has bipolar, he won't sleep for days, and plays games for hours on end at the moment.

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

It's great that you and your partner talk. Did you feel that there was some resolution? Is he willing to go to a hospital?

Even though he may be unwell, remember that abuse, be it physical or emotional, is never ok. Set boundaries and stay safe.

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

Dear Tigger 84

I've been a participant of these wonderful forums for a while now. No idea that my partner would begin using synthetic cannabis.........

okay, that's difficult. I was shell shocked after breaking up with my darling husband after about 2 months. I met my partner in the local church and just happened very quickly but never got him to move in.

Can you dump his stuff outside and tell him to rack off until he works out whether he needs to see a doctor or what is I your words to get help or at least advice?

My partner was out and dusted but he charmed his way in again last night because he lied about getting help.

It's very easy to diagnose people and personally I don't know if necessarily believe in that but thngs like Bi polar etc,.....should be diagnosed.
the problems with diagnosing is that one can looked at a loved one and say, oh yeah.....that's bi polar but there's 'ranges,' in 'normal personalities' definitions person ..................but he/she shows symptoms of .........when under stress ........ The range gets higher and higher until that's what they have.

you can draw a long line and then. Put at the end of the most brillIiant person you know and at the other end.....the worst person you know. Then put a mark in the middle of the line and put yourself. then, say mark ten marks on both sides and see those marks as ranges.
IE Delai Lama at good end.
Someone really bad on the other. and as the marks on the Delai lama get closer, you can say....oh I'm really happy today so I'm showing say three marks into. confidence to be like the Delai Lama.
so your partner may be like a Normal personality with three marks showing symptoms .....they may be showing symptoms which are like someone who shows times of being, 'psychotic,' .....
Psychotic.....someone who shows no insight.
Lives in a Different world.
suffers hallucinations
Like their dream world is the same as their normal day to day world.
no engagement.

any other comments on what is psychosis?? short.....always blame yourself if something goes feral.

so you could also say, after writing up this partner who I love very much looks like he's always had a great personality but in the last say 5 months, it feels like to me he's messing up and falling off the edge of reason.
I'm feeling unsafe because I am very affected with what he says at nighttime.

Take care, please know I'm Interested and will read your messages,
Everything you do, please remember the safety of you first. You could I've been really tired and shaken up. I'm going to mums tonight and every night thereafter until he gets help.
It's up to you,
You sound caring.

JA47 yr

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

Hi All,

I think his slowly starting to recognize his problem, his a very intelligent individual and if you can manage to convince him that his actions aren't rational he does begin to see some sense,

On the plus side after 8 months of hell I'm beginning to finally reach out to family and friends and let them know what's really going on, it's been soo tough to put on the brave face day in and day out, go to work and pretend I'm ok when his sending me a million text messages hassling me for money etc

I guess the other thing is I have bipolar disorder and BPD, I got diagnosed many years ago, and have had numerous hospital admissions, but in saying that I have never turned to drugs and I began to realise when I wasn't coping and actively seek help.

But I have been doing really well and went back to full time work and felt in control, and that's when my husband fell apart, I'm scared it's my fault, that years of dealing with my illness have taken a toll on him and he saw me doing well and just gave up?

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

Jumping in here to say "hello" and to point out - Your partners choices on how they live with in their own mind, on their own emotional good days and bad; Is never your fault. ..Fault.. as a word is so negative too. Pat your self on the back with the positives. remind your self of how amazing you are and all that you have achieved- little things and big 🙂

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

Hi Baboo

Long time no see !!
Yes, I agree because his behaviour was so extreme... My relationship with someone who was good for a while is over.

Re: Synthetic Cannabis

We always blame ourselves...... this is really hard for you. But it's not your fault if you poor husband can't cope.

I thought that I posted this a couple of days ago but some bad things happened in my life and now that Im over them.....Ive noticed that this is in drafts.

There are two things we individuals take on board. far as I think...its my individual thought, I may be wrong but at the end of the, me, Mr Bloggs, Sexy Brad Pitt 

Manage our own lives.

Take responsibility for our own actions.

Unfortunately, if we do not, who will be there? Its sad about your poor  husband he needs you to be your usual strong self. 

You read strong. Great for him.