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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Definitely go with short bursts to get things get done.

I'm not really a jammaker. @Former-Member  Experiment sometimes. Lemon butter and apple sauce are more likely than jam with me.

Yes @Smc I try and keep on top with what is in freezer too.

Cheers Ladies.


Re: Self care by growing a garden

No jam making for me @Former-Member

Mum used to be big into it when I was young and we had an abundance of fresh produce and I remember loving the results, I however lack the motation for such things. Dont really have the kitchen for it either, too pokey. 

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

He he @ Determined, hadn't thought of you as a jam maker but didn't want to appear sexist by leaving you out ...

@Appleblossom, have quite a few bulbs that flower at different times of the year. Noticed scillia (a bluebell but not the English one) and some early daffodils. Have tulips, gladioli, blood lillies, dutch iris and a few others whose names escape me at the minute.

Got first batch of crab apple jelly done @Smc, reckon I will be working on the fruit most nights this week. Left the kitchen in chaos but bless his heart, Mr Darcy cleaning up.

Really pleased to have got some gardening done this weekend. Felt so good to be out there...
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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Hi @Smc @Appleblossom @Determined

Out in the garden for a couple if hours this afternoon. Got the baurer plants in and some tiger grass - a clumping bamboo looking grass that grows to approx 3m - was in the local supermarket, thought it would fill a spot so picked up 5 plants. We even managed to mulch the beds so am really pleased. Got a couple of small sections weeded around some other plants. Mr Darcy is going hammer and tongs in a few other spots so will gave to start looking at getting some more plants to put in. Haven't made it back to the garden club yet probably because I have been ashamed as to how bad our place got while Mr Darcy was in crisis ... the people there are very kind and would have no idea that I am feeling that way.

Am so glad to have dirt under the fingernails today.

PS @Determined have one shrub that could do with your chainsaw prune - the limb I want removed is quite low down.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Made me smile so much ..glad to have dirt under fingernails Woman Happy

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Is that the main limb at grass level @Former-Member?

On my way and happy to help ๐Ÿ˜†



Re: Self care by growing a garden


Re: Self care by growing a garden

Pruned one off at ground this morning @Former-Member while my darling was out, thankfully she didnt notice and the children didn't dob. They got a bit excited about me cutting mummys trees. 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member,  ๐Ÿ˜†

Sir Walter Lawn Spikes. Youtube 

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Re: Self care by growing a garden