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Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

That's what I was told when I first accessed support services @Lexxy17 ..... learn as much about this beast as you can, cos dealing with it is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.

While he is unwell he is not the husband you once knew, although that man is still in there somewhere, held hostage to his mental illness.

Guard your energy reserves carefully, prioritise your daughter, and engage in as much self-nurturing opportunities as you can, so you don't end up being a patient as well ..... these are the golden rules of carers.


Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Oh bugger, I am so bummed I missed the group forum last night. I have read through the whole thing it was very helpful.
Thanks everyone

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

We can continue discussion of this topic on a new thread, or an existing one @Lexxy17 ...,,

@Shaz51 started a thread about advice for carers a while ago, but we can start one specific to self-care for carers, for instance.

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

hello @Lexxy17 and welcome Smiley Happy

That is a great idea @Faith-and-Hope xxx

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Yes that would be really greatπŸ‘

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Good morning @Lexxy17, @Faith-and-Hope

how are you today @Lexxy17 

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Hi @Shaz51 sorry I have been offline for a few days. Too wet to work so we went home to see my beautiful granddaughter and daughter. She manages to cheer me up no Matter what and she is the apple of my husbands eye. Definitely worth the 5 hour drive.

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

how totally wonderful @Lexxy17 Smiley Happy

I have 4 step children who are adults now

Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Hi @Lexxy17 

I totally understand what you are going through. I have shared my story previously @Demi in another forum on delusional disorder. (Don't know how to link sorry)  I have been married 29 years and my husband started displaying unusual beliefs 10 years ago and our relationship has suffered and he has not worked. He has been under an involuntary treatment order 3 times which has been extremely difficult to invoke and see happen. He now is at the stage where he receives his medication "voluntarily" by injection at the doctor, once a month. The medication has had side effects, he stays in bed up to 16 hours a day, but the delusions are no longer part of his conversation, the psychiatrist believes that my husband no longer believes the delusions are real. I have never had the courage to bring up the delusions as I don't have the courage knowing where those discussions have led previously and my desire to avoid confrontation.

Make sure you look after yourself and get any help you need. I only recently discovered these forums and wish I had known about them all those years ago so I knew I and my husband were not the only ones having these experiences.

Kind regards,


Re: My husband endured a few months of drug induced psychosis

Hi, this is the first time I have ever been on a forum.  The very first post I read was yours and it is almost a carbon copy of what is happening to my son and his wife.  One year ago he went on holiday and bought some weed (he was used to smoking) but his one was very high in THC and over a period of 2 months he became more and more psychotic and paranoid.  He really believed he was Jesus, he saw and heard strange illusions.  He wanted to be in the dark and needed silence.  Anyway eventually he was going to harm himself in a church and his wife committed him to a psychiatric unit where he thought he was the head psychiatrist and was very happy to be there because he was helping the others!  He hated taking the anti psychotic drugs but they did help him and after a week he was discharged.  Since then he has blamed her for committing him and still doesnt believe there was anything wrong.  One year later they went on holiday again and he bought the same weed, from the same man and with the same result. He now wants a divorce, never wants to hear her voice again, and is psychotic.  But if she were to mention a doctor, an anti psychotic drug, anything on those lines he would run away....and then nobody would know where he was. 


My questions to you and the group if anyone can help are: How are you today?  Is there anything that helped your husband and can you share that with me? Can the psychosis go away without medication? Should his wife commit him again even though he hates her for it?  We just do not know what to do.  Thank you for your help.