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Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Morning @MDT , @LostAngel , @Anastasia , @Lost9 , @Daisydreamer  😀👋

Hope you all have an ok day today  

Enjoy your book @Lost9 , 👍:ok_hand:

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Good to see you @Shaz51

I have woken up feeling moderately ok. Just easing into my tasks for the day

Hope you're well

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thank you @Shaz51 💞

I've woken with a screaming headache and not a lot of motivation today. Planning on a walk during my lunch break just for fresh air and to get out of the house. 

Hello @MDT @LostAngel @Lost9 all here. Enjoy your day ☺️

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Oh no @Anastasia! How awful to wake up with a headache. I hope the fresh air will be able to help a little. 

Take care!

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

hey @Anastasia @Former-Member
good to see you both
I'm a bit unsettled this morning
trying my best

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Nice to see you too @MDT. What's happening for you this morning?

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hello @MDT , @Former-Member , @Anastasia  , @LostAngel , @Lost9 

Finished work for today

Raining here soo much 

Hope you feeling better soon @Anastasia xx

Docto appt and shopping after @Former-Member 

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

@Shaz51 @MDT @Anastasia @LostAngel @Lost9 


my coping toolbox is empty right now... just going through the motions... luckily Mr S isn't too bad atm although we had a nightmare weekend away a couple of weeks ago, p'raps I'm still not over that - he only has to look at me sideways this week and I panic.


I'm having one of those weeks where I'm always cranky and don't give a toss about stuff - unlike me

no time to do anything I enjoy - I'm either working, cleaning, cooking or I'm just too tired to move. I haven't picked up a needle in weeks, which is probably why I'm cranky in the first place.


anyhoo, love to all.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hello and hugs @SJT63 ❤❤

Sometimes  the busiyness of our days takes over our self care  and it is sometimes hard to fit it in again 

I am in the same boat at the moment and thinking how did I fit those self care things in before 

Is there time today to fit in your hobby , sitting with you xx

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

@SJT63 , @Shaz51 , @Anastasia , @MDT not coping well today sorry Smiley Sad feeling overtired and emotionally triggored by stuff