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Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi All,

An update re: my son.  My son has been in residential care since April and is making good progress both in terms of his mental health and re-engaging back into a school curriculum via distance education.  His treating psychiatrist decided to trial taking him off medication whilst he was under the watchful eyes of his care team.  After a slow reduction over one week he then went cold turkey with no meds.  Exactly 2.5 weeks later his anxiety escalated and his mood dropped in a very noticeable way.  He described it as being that every single thing was annoying him - and I mean every single thing - people, people talking, being where he was, the food, etc.  This annoyance became so bad that he claimed it was making his blood boil and he also claimed that he could feel radiant heat eminating off his body!!  Additionally his mood dropped and he became far less engaged in everything and began withdrawing into silence.  He was contemplating walking out of the facility and never returning.  Luckily this was noticed and he was recommenced on meds immediately.  His psychiatrist apologised for this but stated that the exercise had proved two very important things:  that he needs to be on meds and that the meds he is on work.  They have now doubled his dose of meds and he has responded very well.  In fact he has been the best I have seen since I can remember.  He looks brighter, talks more, laughs frequently, has more energy, is more willing to do things and is not angry and oppositional.  He has been on this new dose now for around 4 weeks and I couldn't be happier.  He has been accepted into an SSP school and the goal now is to begin integration.  He is not too keen on this but it is only early days and I'm sure they'll pace him according to his own comfort and readiness.  He has decided to do his HSC via pathways over the next 2 years and is working towards this now.  Additionally they have also been very active in building up social skills with things like travel training, excursions to shops to buy things, etc.  Considering he had spent the past 3-4 years holed up in his bedroom this is huge and so needed.  

I can't speak highly enough about this facility.   I've gone from feeling that I had forever lost my son to MI and that his future was doomed, to now feeling that there is hope and a good chance he will get through this and become a functioning adult.  The only negative would be the extra time and commitment on my part which has made my days/weeks exceptionally full as I am often required to travel to the facility between 2-4 times per week (1 hour each way) and toggle this with work and home.  In saying that, it really is a small price to pay to be getting my son back.  We are so fortunate.


Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

@Janna - Thank you for updating us on the fantastic progress your son has made. I'm so happy to read he's doing well.

It makes me think about all the other parents we see on here, which is why I thought this week I'd check in on some of them.

@Mumsworry1 - Last time you posted your daughter was going through such a terrible time. You mentioned you were going to the GP to use the 10 appointments through medicare. How are things travelling now?

@C101 - Last time you posted you mentioned that your daughter, who has OCD, wouldn't take medication. Were you able to find a solution to this?

@quietscreams - I've seen you "around" the forums a bit lately, in particular I saw your post in What you do to for 'me' time?  How have things been travelling for you & your family?

Don't feel obligated to respond - more than anything, we just want you to know you haven't been forgotten. 


Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi NikNik,

3 weeks in hospital. Medication started working after 3-4 months. Working with a therapist and the goal now is to attend school camp in a few months. We've been through a lot. And still have a bit to go. But have come a long way.

Thanks, C

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing


Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi NikNik

We are still plodding but things are better than they were a while back. She's about to start a dbt course and doing therapy there, leading up to it. We have good days and bad days. We worry and we appreciate the good times. Day by day rather than hour by hour. I take that as being good.
I have finally found a therapist for myself who seems helpful although I've only seen her twice so far. She is so much better than others I've seen. I know that we need to see someone ourselves to help us through these times but it's hard to find a decent one.
I'm seeing some positives so I grab at them with every breath as they give me hope and I had run out of hope.
I'm able to care a bit more for myself now and if I'm happy and coping, the family runs smoother.

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Thanks for asking, she's controlling her anger. It helps as we have a family friend staying with us and its stopping her from getting angry in front of him. The Phychiatrist is helping too, giving her tasks to do.
All ok at this point in our lives.

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi @C101@quietscreams and @Mumsworry1, glad to hear that things are going better than when we heard from you last. Seem like some of you reached and gotten support, which is great!

Keep in touch - even when things are going well. We like to hear from you, though we also understanding that life as a carer is busy. 

As a sidenote: we got some exciting events coming up - a live webcast series with some interesting panelists. Our first is a Q&A session addressing the challenging of caring. See here for more info, and get your questions in too.

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Oh @CherryBomb, @NikNik

from  one of my treads -- @cheersquad, @Attahua, @NikNik, @Janna, @Untethered, how are you today

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi @Shaz51 🙂


Thanks for checking in with me!

I had a super busy week last week. I was in NZ for work. It was great - but exhausting!!

How are you - and how is your husband? I haven't been on the forums for awhile, so I've probably missed a lot.

I hope all is well 🙂

@Eagle sorry I missed your @mention the other day too. Great to hear things are well.

Re: Checking In: Let us know how you're doing

Hi @NikNik .... 😊

Welcome back