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linking to another thread

If I am posting on one thread and want to put in a link to another thread how do I do it?


Re: linking to another thread

Great question @eth


To link any website - regardless of whether it's another discussion within these forums or an external website, you can use the hyperlink feature.

You have to be using the desktop / Tablet version of the forums (ie: not mobile) to see this feature.

Here are the steps:

1) Type the word that you want the link to be attached to. In this example below I have used the word ‘here’.
2) In the menu bar of the text box, press the picture of the link

Link 1.png


3. A window will appear

link 2.png

4. The only thing you will need to do is put the web address in the URL text box (I have put For longer website addresses you can just copy and paste it into the text box. Then press okay
5. When you press okay, the word that is linked to the web address should be blue and underlined, like this:

link 3.png



Does this answer your question? You can practice in this thread, if you want?

Re: linking to another thread

Thanks @NikNik that part makes sense but what I want to do is refer to the Writing As A Form of Therapy thread in the Night Shift thread, for example.

Re: linking to another thread

So if I'm understanding this correctly, you want to link the 'Writing as a Form of Therapy" in the NightShift thread...

So what I would do is go to the Writing as a form of therapy thread and copy the URL (highlighted in red)

Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 6.47.10 PM.png

And then paste this in Nightshift, using the instructions above.

Is this what you mean? or have I missed the point?

Re: linking to another thread

@NikNik I just tried what I understood from your explanation but the link doesn't work. It looks right but when I click on it to test it I get a system error message.

Re: linking to another thread

I just had a little look at the URL when I pressed on it, and as you can see it's:


It looks like you may have copied and pasted the wrong URL. The URL I have for the 1st page of the 'Writing as a form of therapy' as

Can you see that when you go to the thread?

Re: linking to another thread

Thanks @NikNik 

Re: linking to another thread

I edited my post and tried again and it actually worked.  Thanks a lot @NikNik.  I'm sure others would have a problem with this too.  Is there somewhere in the How To instructions for the forums where it's explained?


Re: linking to another thread

Now there is 🙂 People will see it here!



Re: linking to another thread

ille try now.....just a tic.......