‎17-05-2018 05:02 PM - edited ‎01-06-2018 07:49 AM
‎17-05-2018 05:02 PM - edited ‎01-06-2018 07:49 AM
It can be really challenging talking to your parents about your mental health. How will they react? What exactly should I tell them? Will I worry them too much? How do I bring up the topic?
For this Topic Tuesday we will be joined by Jessie, a SANE Young Ambassador & part of batyr's Being Herd program, who will share her own experiences and Gina from ReachOut.com , an organisation that supports young people and parents.
Whether you're already talking to your parents about your mental health or are just thinking about it - join us at 7pm AEST to get tips, strategies and tell us a bit about your own situation.
‎05-06-2018 06:57 PM
‎05-06-2018 06:57 PM
Hi everyone,
A special shout out to @Jacq96 @Former-Member @HayleyC @outlander @Shaz51 @Snowie @Teej @BlueBay who wanted a reminder about tonight 😊
A big welcome to you all!
Tonight I’m excited that we have TWO special guests. First I would like to introduce you to @JessieB – she is 28 years old from Sydney. She enjoys baking, seeing live music and horror movies! She lives with Bipolar disorder and psychosis and is here tonight to share her own experiences talking to her parents about her mental health.
JessieB likes to get involved with events like this and also volunteering for Batyr (another mental health organisation that wants to smash the stigma surrounding mental health), to help get the word out that having a mental illness is not a life sentence and that you can have a long a fulfilling life with the right treatment.
Our second guest is @Gina-Bell is a mental health professional working for ReachOut Australia as a Community Coordinator, supporting young people and parents.
She has also worked in several programs directly supporting people recovering from suicide, people with ongoing mental health concerns and people with disabilities. She is passionate about the wellbeing and empowerment of people ...as well as eating good food, her cat, and having a good boog!
So as a starting point, it would be great those who have joined us tonight to share what peaked your interest in tonight’s topic.
‎05-06-2018 07:00 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:00 PM
Hello everyone! Thanks @NikNik for the intro .
I'm excited for the disucssion tonight!
‎05-06-2018 07:02 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:02 PM
Hi @NikNik
8 yrs ago when I told my parents about my childhood abuse I was treated like it was my fault. I was yelled at by my mum. She didn't want to hear me or let me explain my depression. She yelled and yelled and told me I had betrayed the family. I sometimes wish I neber told them.
‎05-06-2018 07:04 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:04 PM
Hey Everyone!
‎05-06-2018 07:07 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:07 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:09 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:09 PM
Hi everyone!
I was interested in tonight's topic as, when I was a teenager, I had depression and found it quite difficult to talk to my parents about it. I ended up talking to my mother and she suggested I go to counselling, which helped. However, I never really did talk to my father about it. It can be very difficult for younger children and teenagers to speak about this topic due to stigma and 'shame' surrounding mental illness so I'm interested in hearing others experiences with this, and ways to help others talk to their parents about mental health issues.
‎05-06-2018 07:09 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:09 PM
Hello @Gina-Bell, @NikNik
‎05-06-2018 07:12 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:12 PM
I'm new to this forum thing so here goes. I'm in hospital at the moment and planning on discharge soon and ,y folks have this idea that getting out to be back at home means I'm well again. Need to get this whole idea of being well out of their minds.
‎05-06-2018 07:12 PM
‎05-06-2018 07:12 PM
Hi @NikNik,
I was interested in tonight as although I am old enough to have kids myself, I also have a parent that is detrimental to my mental health. So I don't really think it is just happens with young people
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