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Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Thanks @NikNik. Heaps of great discussion and helpful information here. I will need to reread all the posts and absorb more of it at a later time. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Thanks so much, @NikNik and everyone. It's been an interesting and helpful session! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik Thanks for doing this πŸ™‚

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@Heathcliff @Ariel @@Nevyn134 - I highly recommend checking out the Carers Forum Have a look around for similar situations and think about creating a new thread to ask for support and advice about your current experiences. 

@Nevyn134 - I really hope you go on to create a new discussion about your situation so you can get some more considered responses. Tonight was very fast - so I'm sure people have more to add.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Thanks so much, @NikNik and everyone for a wonderful interesting night xx

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Cheers @NikNik πŸ˜Š. Thanks to everyone too for your thoughts and ideas. πŸ’œπŸ€—

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Problem with standing up to the doctors and saying NO, they won't come home as I won't be there to look after them, is liable to result in the Doctors releasing them and sending them home in a taxi anyway as they "Have no reason to keep them, as they are not in distress." Because it gets hidden as soon as they have enough self control to do so.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

You are all more than welcome. It's been awesome talking to you all tonight!

Now... my turn for self-care *runs off to the easter eggs*

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik Going to go and do that now I think πŸ™‚

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Thanks @NikNik for running this thread, and thanks to everyone who posted as this is essentially my introduction to the forums, having only joined this afternoon.  Nice to "meet" you all!