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Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

I would also recommend the mental health first aid course. It is run free by ARAFMI or Uniting Care. It takes 2 full days and gives excellent information on handling different mental illnesses including suicide risk.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Hi happygirl,

I like that - one day at a time. That was what I was taught some years ago in my own recovery journey. And "focus on the task at hand" helps me a lot too. I guess that is mindfulness, as being in the present moment.

Yes, I agree, PIR are excellent. I often refer people to PIR in my role at ARAFMI.

In regards to the mental health first aid course, if anyone is interested I can see when ARAFMI is doing the next one. I have done it and I think it's great.

Anyone have any other view on this? @PeppiPatty @Alessandra1992 @Former-Member ??


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Happy Carers Week!


I make sure I have a life outside of my caring role. Hard to maintain that commitment to myself sometimes - but I try really hard.


I cope by catching up with my close friends - we have a  "Monday movie night". Every second Monday we go to the movies. Yes, sometimes there's nothing on that's particuarly interesting to any of us... but we don't care. We have made it a habit - so rain, hail or shine (metaphorically) we turn up for movie monday.

I have found some practical services have been useful for me... buying my grouceries online and having them delivered has been AMAZING. "Coles online shopping" should be on a list of mental health services. I can do it any time from my iphone or computer and not have to worry about it. Also - it saves your past shopping lists, so now that I've used it a million times, my shopping list is pretty much the same week to week.



 I've seen @PeppiPatty mention a few practical type of organisations - I think? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Youth Mental Health Firt Aid and ASSIST are also great things to learn.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Hi Eagle,

Thanks for the post. Having a life outside of your caring role is an important thing, and really should be viewed as a priority. Unfortunately, sometimes this may not be possible, which is the sad thing.

I agree with your comment on making a movie night a habit (nearly spelled hobbit he he...). Something that has always worked for me is to find a good thing and make it a habit. For example, I made a habit of exercising each morning. Then I stopped for a while and not exercising became a habit. So what this teaches me is that we are all naturally creatures of habit. Therefore, find the thing that works and stick with it, it'll become a habit soon enough!!

PS - I should try the online shopping - my shopping list is pretty much the same every week (I'm not a very good cook, so I've worked out what I can cook and I stick to that - habit!!)

thanks again


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

I have done the mental health first aid with Arafmi and now I am repeating it with Uniting Care. There is so much good info I had to do it again


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

If you are religious at all I recommend prayer and conversation with God. That can really help at any point in time. I regularly attend church on Sunday and find that a break from the caring role.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Hi happyboy!!

Well, we have happygirl and happyboy!! Thanks for your post and welcome to the forums.

What I think is this - pretty much any knowledge we can get is good knowledge.

What's that old adage? "The more learn, the less you know". So that means a cycle.... you'll just have to keep learning more, because you will know less, which means you wil have to learn more....and so on!! (I've confused myself)

Thanks for your contribution


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

The delivery does cost a bit more - but I think it's worth it given the time and sanity you save.

I have had times when I haven't been able to keep up my monday movies - I understand for us carers it's not always possible to even leave the house. When that's been the situation for me, I've made sure I've had something I can do in the house to look give me something else to focus on. At one point it was the series "West Wing". I made time 2 times a week to watch 2 episodes. You're right - it's all about creating a habit 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Hi happygirl,

These are all great suggestions. You sound like you have really put a lot of work into this. Good on you!!

Please keep in touch on these forums by the way, we'd all love to hear your good advice/views..

