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Moderation hours for Christmas break

Hi all,


As you all know, safety of all those who use the Forums is a #1 priority for us. This means that all posts are seen by a moderator before going live.

During the holiday break our moderation times will shift from 25 Dec - 4 Jan (2015).


During this time, posts will be looked at intermittently. You can still post a message 24/7 and  be assured, your post will be live within 24 hours (max).

The only exceptions are Christmas day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day.


If during this time, you need assistance, please call:

If in crisis or to speak to someone:

Lifeline 13 11 14

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467

Emergency / need help immediately:



Have a wonderful Christmas break!



Re: Moderation hours for Christmas break

Oh also - I forgot to mention!


We have some great Christmas elves (hmm I wonder if they mind being called that!?) who are moderating over the holiday break. You'll see our good friends @Peppermint @nigioc & @blithe around the place - give them a *wave* if you come across them Smiley Happy




Re: Moderation hours for Christmas break

Hi @NikNik and everyone,

Thanks for the welcome, I'm happy to be here! 🙂

See everyone on the forums!


Re: Moderation hours for Christmas break

Hey @NikNik and Sane Folk!

So very haappy to be here and more than happy to be referred to as an elf. 

I've definitely been called worse. Smiley Wink

Looking forward to meeting all you lovely people in the forums.