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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Such an interesting question @NikNik! We do hear of really mixed experiences regarding hospital stays.

It's great to hear that the person posing the question, as well as @utopia and @BlueBay, have found hospital stays beneficial. Indeed, they aim to keep people safe during particularly difficult times, which can include periods of severe SI, or medication changes.

As @utopia said, the atmosphere of public and private hospitals can be quite different. I'd also echo @BlueBay's point that everyone has their own experience of being in hospital, and this can also vary between stays for the same person!

I've noticed a bit of a pattern that people who go to hospital voluntarily seem to have a more positive view of their stay. Perhaps this has something to do with feeling more in control due to being proactive in looking after their own wellbeing. I'd be interested to hear others' thoughts on this.

Shimmer Smiley Happy

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hello @NikNik xx

hello and welcome to the forum

 I don't think going to hospital is a bad thing. as my husband did this  voluntary .and he was given new meds that have made a difference

now and again he says I might have to take myself to hospital again to have a break from everything

and I agree with what @Shimmer, @BlueBay, @utopia have said as well xx

Not applicable

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I agree, hospital can be really beneficial. I've found a really big difference between public and private and acute vs non-acute. Acute public is horrible. Absolutely the worst. I would never voluntarily go in again. Private, I'd go in any time my doctor told me to. I've just got out of hospital and I found it really helpful and not unpleasant experience.
It also depends how you are treated. Once I was in due to being "non-compliant with my medications" and I had also absconded from the ward during this time. The treatment was horrible. I wasn't allowed any of my own belongings - I had to ask the nurse for my toothbrush each night and I had to beg for hours to be allowed my book. I had to open my mouth to show the nurses that I'd swallowed my medication. It was a very different experience and not one I'd like to repeat.
The other thing is, you are really unwell when you are in hospital, so some people cope with the discomfort of hospital less because they are unwell.
Wishing you all the best.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Dear All

When I read @Former-Member 's message I remembered my oldest son sending me furious texts about being placed in a locked ward. And it was when his life was out of control ........

My horrible step dad put me in a private hospital : I personally love being put in hospital because I was too busy during the day and my life was really scary those days. H

When I went to hospital that time It worked out being very bad: it was 13 years ago so you gotta move on.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Maybe I shld go back to hospital. Just someone take me to hospital.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

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Happy Monday everyone!

Thank you @BlueBay @PeppiPatty @Former-Member @Shaz51 @utopia for posting last week.

This week's question is:

I have PTSD and I have stopped doing certain things to keep myself well. I won't put myself in a position where I'm in a large crowd or see certain movies - and there's many other things I have stopped doing.

My friends / family are concerned that I'm missing out on things and my mental illness is preventing me doing stuff that I use to like. 

Should I be facing some of these fears head on or is it okay not to do things that I worry will trigger me. I can see both sides and I'm not really sure which would have the most benefit.

Am I the only one who avoids things they use to enjoy because of the MI? How do people cope?

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Response from a facebook user:

Baby steps one at a time, get an adventure buddy and say yes to one thing a day. It takes time to change habits so each day is new day. Put a tick on the calendar each time there is success until there are more ticks than misses. Be brave i believe in you dear heart

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

that is good avice from a facebook user:

hello and welcome to the forum

also keeping a diary is a great idea too

 It takes time to change habits , so focus on what you have done ,

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

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Hi everyone,

Welcome to Ask Anything Monday!

Thanks @Shaz51 & our facebook user for their response to the previous question. This week's question is:

I feel like most aspects of my life are great. I have a job that I work really hard at that I enjoy. The problem is that my brain just doesn't switch off. I am on high alert all the time as part of my job, and even though I get enough sleep, I exercise and eat well, I can't seem to switch off. 

For a year or so I've just lived with it - but now my memory is starting to get worse, I wake up tired even though I get 8-9 hours of sleep and I over analyze everything.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm not sure what else I can do.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi @NikNik

Great question!!!

I find that I sometimes struggle to 'switch off'. And I always over analyse things in my head. I am trying again meditation apps on my phone.  I put it on while laying in bed and before I know it I am asleep.  It does help me switch off and 'be in the moment' of listening to the meditation.

Another thing I love doing now is to put some yoga music or even meditation music on my computer, get my yoga mat out and make the room dark and just lay on my mat.  I do some slow deep breathing, a few slow stretches and close my eyes and listen to the music.  This is so relaxing.  Or what I did yesterday was have a relaxing bath in the afternoon, lots of bubbles in the water (not drink!!) and I was so relaxed. Oh and another thing I have been enjoying is knitting and colouring in my books. All helping me to switch off.

Hope this helps 🙂