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Re: What does your forums' name mean?


@tyme I read Ur user name meaning and it was the thoughts I connected to when I saw it

Tyme/Time and love Ur analysis 


I think my name relates to something beyond time, that exists within me always, and maybe is a juxtaposition of sadness and hope

Ie eternal to me seems like a very serious, emotional word, reminds me of ancient libraries, museums, fossils, history

And flower is a light and fun image, a playful side to me, and something that grows and blooms at a certain time....


I feel like there is a flower of hope growing out of broken cracks, and it is a symbol of hope.

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Thank you for sharing @EternalFlower - that's incredible!


The idea of the juxtaposition is so powerful. However, when I read it, I see 'eternal' means forever, whereas we all know a 'flower' eventually does. This is the contrast I see, but I definitely acknowledge your interpretation of sadness and hope - that makes so much sense too!


Did you end up getting through to the helpline?



Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hi @BPDSurvivor 

In answer to your question my forum's name comes from the fact that for whatever reason whenever things are going pretty crap in my world I see and find white feathers on a regular basis.  I see them as a positive sign of support from the universe (just my opinion).  I know it might sound odd but I have actually had them float straight towards me (almost like in the opening scene of Forrest Gump when he is sitting at the bus stop)!

It's really interesting to read how others came up with the forums' name too 🙂

Best wishes



Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Bluebay - the bay is always blue where I live

I love living near the bay

the water calms my mind down

i can breathe the fresh air


Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Thank you for sharing @FloatingFeather ! I’ve never heard that one before! How interesting?


Thanks @BlueBay , it’s great that you are so close to the water. Water really can have such a calming effect.

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

I really like your forum name @BlueBay  - it has a nice ring to it.

You're really lucky to live near the water.  I know what you mean about it being a calming space. 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?


My name is based on my favourite place in the World.  I'm not sure it really exists,  but I dream that it does. And I hope one day to live there. 

Anytime I see disrespect directed towards others,  for no reason other than race,  sexual orientation,  gender, disability,  religion,  nationality,  mental illness,  homelessness, etc,  -  when I see people being cruel to others,  I have often wished that I lived in a Utopian place.  Everyone wanted,  everyone cared for,  all needs met. 

My family thinks this dream of mine is unrealistic. And thinks that I'm loopy (haven't been diagnosed with that label yet).   I see it as necessary,  if we are to survive as a species,  and live the happy lives we are meant to live. 

I just wish now,  that I had typed it all in capital letters.  UTOPIA!   That is stronger than utopia. 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hi @tyme 


I've just had a read through this thread after seeing it recommended to a new member and have really enjoyed the stories and meanings attached to member user names.


RedHorse = my fav colour and my fav animal in one ☺️

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

everyone here has such beautiful and creative usernames!! I really appreciate everyone sharing these little stories


I based my username off graffiti that I often see around my city. it's just squiggly lines in the ground, kinda looks like crop circles or something. I love it because it looks like it has some kinda cryptic meaning, but I have no idea what that might be - so I can spend forever just being curious about them!

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

That's so interesting @squiggly @RedHorse !


Thank you for sharing! I love reading about the ingenious ways people come up with their names!