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Re: Good morning!

Good morning, @hanami ,


It's a new day, how are you?  It's great that you found 3 things to be grateful for.  New nasal spray sounds excellent, glad it's working for you.


My 2 Jack Russell's are always a source of joy for me.


Hope you have a good day, today.



Re: Good morning!

Good morning, @Jake63 


It always makes it so much more relatable when people use their own life as an example.  "Lived experience"  seems to be the new phrase, and I like it.  Almost like RPL - 'recognition of prior learning'!  If only we could get credit for it, lol.


You'll have to share with us how to access your blog when it comes out.  I'd love to see it.


It must be difficult to have anxiety and depression and be on the spectrum.  Have you found some answers in the research?


Have a great day!


Re: Good morning!

I sure did manage, thanks @JRMum 😀 How did you go?


Ah yes old age 😂 I'll never forget waking up on my 34th birthday with random backpain, after never really having it and turning to my partner and saying "Did I get old for my birthday?" Hahaha 


I really hope my brain is ok too 🙏 I have an MRI on Thursday, hopefully I'll get some more answers to what is going on. I've been battling with issues since I had surgery to correct an aneurysm a few years ago 😕 Thanks for the kind words, I have to keep telling myself "She'll be right" 😃


What's on the cards for you today lovely? 





Re: Good morning!

Good morning @JRMum,


You might not know but I studied psychology at university and majored in it. I graduated 3 years ago now. What I know is that the research is pretty clear that not all therapies (and not just CBT) work for everyone --- we know that CBT does not always help everyone who experiences anxiety or depression. And according to the research I have been looking at recently, CBT is not altogether beneficial for us folks on the autism spectrum, and for a range of different reasons not necessarily relating to the CBT therapy itself.


For people on the autism spectrum, one of the main ways autism affects us (and me) is in how we perceive and understand language and communication. Therapy, as I am sure you can understand, involves a great deal of language and communication. I very much struggle to understand verbal communication - but not written communication at all interestingly.


One way I am doing my best to manage my depression and anxiety is through exercise, engaging in special interests (reading, movies, video games and writing) and of course adhering to my medication! Medication is also very important for me.  

Re: Good morning!

Morning @JRMum ! Naw I love little Jack Rusells. Too cute. Dogs are amazing aren't they. Just bring us so much joy.

Wishing you a wonderful day.


Re: Good morning!

Good morning, @Ilovepenguins 


I really enjoyed getting your post, it was lovely to wake up to 😊.  I'm sorry it's taken me a couple of days to reply, I turned off notifications and then forgot to check this site!  Hopefully I fixed it.


Old age - it's a scary thing!  I look in the mirror and a mature looking lady looks back, how on earth did that happen?  It certainly doesn't match the person I feel inside.


I was sorry to hear about your problems with your aneurysm.  That doesn't sound good, but you sound like you're managing it ok.  If I understand correctly, that's a blockage in the brain?  Maybe I'm way out, please correct me.  What sort of symptoms has it resulted in?  I'm glad you're having an MRI, you said Thursday - that's today.  I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts.  I had an MRI a couple of years ago when I had cervical cancer.  That was a scary time for me.  I had just separated from my then husband and I needed to be looked after for 6 weeks after the operation, so I went and stayed with my Mum and Dad.  Thank goodness I had them!  Everything's fine now, 2 years' cancer free - I think I have 1 more check up at the hospital.  My takeaway message from that one was - have your yearly Pap Smear!  I know it's unpleasant, but it is so worth it.


Do you have to go far for your MRI?  Are you close to the town, or in a more rural area?  I live in a rural area myself, it's 40 + minutes to the bigger regional city.  I quite like it though; I live in a sweet spot.  You should try and fit in a coffee somewhere!  I love my morning coffee, and subsequent ones if I get to have more during the day.  I love a flat white with a shot of caramel!  Unfortunately, I'm seriously thinking of giving the caramel away - I need to work on losing some weight.  😣 It's racked up over the last year, and if I keep going this way it'll be irreversible.


I will stop there.  I don't expect you to read a novel!  My almost 6-month-old puppy woke me up this morning at 3.15am.  She of course is now curled up asleep.  Enjoy your day, have that coffee!


Re: Good morning!

Hey @JRMum,


No need to apologise, I can take my time in responding too haha I've had too much on my plate lately and I've been struggling to string a conversation together I'm that exhausted! 


I loved reading your mini morning novel! The connection is really nice to have. 


Not quite a blockage, an aneurysm is a weakening in the artery where it balloons out and if it ruptures, causes a stroke. I had surgery to have that corrected almost 3 years ago, unfortunately I've had post op issues relating to pain and cognitive issues, it has made my adhd symptoms much worse as well-thankfully the aneurysm is stable though 😀 The MRI went well, thanks for asking! Now just waiting on an appointment with my neuro....who knows when that will be with the public system!


I'm to hear of your experience with cancer, I'm relieved to hear that you've been cancer free for the past 2 years 💪 It certainly wouldn't have made life easy at the time, you're very fortunate to have had your parents!


I live rural and had to travel about 1.5hrs away to Canberra for the MRI so I made a day of it with my youngest and took her on the light rail into the CBD. There was plenty of coffee and yummy snacks had 💜 I have family in canb though so we're there quite often, the drive feels like a trip around the corner now haha 


Ohhhh I love caramel in my coffee too but judging by my arterial health, I may need to reduce my sugar too! I have a mean chocolate addiction though and dark chocolate just doesn't cut it!


Hahahah my Mr Forrest loves waking me up anywhere between 2am and 6am every single morning with his incredibly loud meow, he can be heard down the street!


I hope you've been enjoying your week so far! 


Re: Good morning!

@Ilovepenguins Good morning!

Your trips to Canberra sound like my frequent trips to Brisbane.  It takes 2 1/2 hours, but family are there.  Like you, it's become 'down the road'.  My husband actually works in Brisbane 3 days a week, 1 night he sleeps over, so he does the trip twice a week.  Sometimes I go too, as he stays with my parents.  It's been a bit more difficult since we got puppy Cora (6 months) as she gets car sick and vomits -ugh!  Harry, who's 11 is a seasoned traveler, so it's not been a problem until now.  

What happens now in regard to your aneurysm?  Does it mean more surgery?

I'm glad your youngest went with you to Canberra, it sounds like it turned out an enjoyable time.

I'm having a fairly easy day today; I need to put the washing out.  We're all off to Brisbane tomorrow and we'll stay with my parents until Wednesday.  I'm in between jobs, so I am not committed to being at home.  I must admit that it's nice not working, although I am a bit bored.  Definitely less anxiety-ridden days.

Have a wonderful day!
