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Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

March TT Partners.png


On 28th April, join us for our second live mindfulness session 😍 The 1.5 hour event kicks off at 7pm AEST and will be hosted by @Former-Member  and One Door Mental Health.


Mindfulness practice helps people connect to what is happening in the moment. This reduces stress, making people feel calmer and allowing them to think more clearly🧘. Taking a few minutes out of your day to focus on your thoughts and surroundings can have really positive effects on your mental wellbeing.


If you’ve never tried meditation before, or you’d like to continue practicing, everyone is welcome! 7pm – 8.30pm right here in this thread!



Want to receive an email reminder on the night? Hit the 'Support' (thumbs up) button below.



I'm new here - what is the event about?

This online shared event intends to bring together people living with complex mental health issues and their carers in an online setting, ensuring we are collaboratively allowing time for ourselves (and our minds) away from the stressors of our recovery journey. Check back soon for more info on the format!


How do I get involved?

Conscious Mindfulness takes place right here! It's text based, so no software is needed. During the session, to keep up with the latest posts hit the 'refresh' button on your browser for the latest posts (it doesn't automatically update). Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Throughout the session, the facilitator will put discussion points and questions out for you to consider, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the session, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong and everyone is welcome to get involved.

We'd encourage you to engage in this event on a desktop computer/laptop, as we need to refresh the browser page quite frequently, sometimes this can be tricky on mobile!


What time does this event start in my timezone?

  • AEST- 7pm
  • ACDT- 6:30pm
  • ACST- 5:30pm
  • WST- 4pm

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124 REPLIES 124

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Welcome everyone to tonight’s second Online Mindfulness event for both Carers and those with Lived Experience. And a very special welcome to our forum members who wanted a reminder of this evenings event Heart 

@Buster1976 @Former-Member @1412 @Tess1 @Mateo @nicgatt14 @Missfruitbat @Scarface @1108 @Rose_222 @Dave22 @Sherbet @Greengirl44 @ELB @Kat5 @Missymoo87 @Happy2020 @Fergus50 @Former-Member @MDT @AnnaK @Chappy0401 @AJX @Isabelle @ThinQ @eth @Grandpa @frog @Adge @Mazarita @Snowie @Teej 

Everything tonight will be text based. This means the whole convo will run right here in this thread Smiley Very Happy This ensures your anonymity and privacy whilst you get to enjoy the meditation, then discuss mental health with other forum users and our special guest!

Remember to refresh your browser every few minutes to see new posts, and be sure to hit reply to posts to get involved in the discussion too (we recommend enjoying this event on a laptop or desktop computer).

Whilst everyone settles in I wanted to introduce our wonderful guest @Michael-CM  from One Door Mental Health to tonight’s event. For more than 30 years, One Door Mental Health has designed and delivered expert mental health programs that are now accessible through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). One Door Mental Health is a leading mental health service provider specialising in severe and persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder, borderline personality disorder.


If everyone could ensure they are in a quiet and safe space, and are ready to meditate that would be great! We will be sharing a youtube link very soon to a meditation we will all do together before the questions kick off. Whilst I get this set up, our wonderful guest @Michael-CM from One Door will introduce himself 😄

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Hey again @Former-Member Hi @Michael-CM need a small meditation tonight Man Happy

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

I’m Michael – I’m from One Door Mental Health. I have worked in the community services sector for 20 years, mostly in the mental heath and disability sectors. I am someone with a lived experience of mental unwellness and wellness. I am very pleased to be part of this conversation tonight. I live and work by recovery principles and find Mindfullness as a vital part of continuing my journey of wellness. In the mental health services space, I have worked in and run services such as Partners In Recovery, Personal Helpers and Mentors program, Transition programs, Continuity of Support programs as well as a variety of mental health specific NDIS programs for a variety of mental health providers across Sydney and the Southern Highlands. I am looking forward to sharing this experience with you all tonight and look forward to your questions and comments on the meditation we are about to do together. I also wanted to welcome you all and welcome anyone that may be present with a lived experience and supporters and carers that may be present.

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Heya @Former-Member! Good to see you again. We will post a link to the meditation soon, I need it too Smiley LOL Thanks for joining.

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Hi @Former-Member @Michael-CM @Former-Member

Hi everyone.

I've just done my Mindfulness Breathing meditation (20 min) - to be in a fit & able state for this discussion (session).


Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Welcome @Adge, a pre-meditation meditation! You're epic 🙂 Welcome, thank you so much for joining Heart

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Hi @Adge looking forward to the discussion

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Hello and thankyou for having this session

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 28th April, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: One Door

Alright wonderful community @Adge @Former-Member  and others Heart. The meditation we will be sitting in today has been brought to us by our wonderful guest - @Michael-CM. The meditation is a quick five minute body scan, once you've enjoyed this meditation, return to the page here and we'll debrief together at approx 7:15pm! 

Click play here:

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