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Re: Trouble !

Hi @Former-Member @Queenie
Thanks for your messages. As you said lapses kelpies can be very active. I've had heelers or kelpies or crosses thereof most of my life. Dog was Cattle dog x Dalmatian and was a fantastic working dog. I also walk my dogs several klms morning and night. This new one when I get her will be trained to assist me - picking up things on the floor; getting mu slippers; carrying the paper home etc. I will also be training her to do sheep work. I've done a lot of that in my life. Most kelpies if given reasonable exercise and plenty of mental stimulation do well as a non working dog. I've also realised that I can get one of those gopher bikes so I can still exercise her if walking becomes problematic.

It's great to hear from you Queenie. I do hope your world is treating you reasonably OK. I'm looking forward to the move but not all the work I'll need to do before the move!!

Luv n Hugzzz to you both. 🎶💕🎶

Re: Trouble !

Hellllllooooo @Kurra, @Queenie, @Former-Member, @utopia, @Former-Member, @Teej, @Faith-and-Hope, @Sahara, @Appleblossom Smiley HappyHeart

Re: Trouble !

Hi @Shaz51 🙂

Re: Trouble !

how is your sunday going @Queenie Smiley Happy

Re: Trouble !

Hi @Queenie.

How are you going ?

Re: Trouble !

Hellllllooooo @Kurra, @Queenie, @lapses, @utopia, @lisajane, @Teej, @Faith-and-Hope, @Sahara, @Appleblossom Smiley HappyHeart, missing you all xx

Not applicable

Re: Trouble !

I'm around @Shaz51, you OK?
@Kurra, how's it yoing? Did you get the Kelpie? Sounds like it will work for you. How's the moving going? Check in on the "SpringCleanD'clutter thread" - a few of us are wading through it all. I've just sold my House 🙂

Re: Trouble !

yes , I am ok today @Former-Member

I was a mess yesterday , I talked on sane chat line last night xxxx

Not applicable

Re: Trouble !

Sounds like a crappy day yesterday @Shaz51, glad you reached out. It's hard when two legs are doing the work of six. You have so much in the balance, hold strong. Xox
Not applicable

Re: Trouble !

be kind to yourself :)be kind to yourself 🙂