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Re: Trouble !

How true @Appleblossom. This old body complains bitterly but my determination pushes it along regardless. I think it's called pig-headness rather than determination. 😁
Luv n Hugzzz 🎶💚🎶
Senior Contributor

Re: Trouble !

@Kurra ♥♥♥

Re: Trouble !

❤️ @Kurra

Re: Trouble !

Missing you today too @Former-Member 💜
Not applicable

Re: Trouble !

missing you @Faith-and-Hope 😞 the world is upside down.

Re: Trouble !

Hugs Hon ..... do you want to talk about it ?

Not applicable

Re: Trouble !

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope i am just about to head off to try and sleep. i dont think i have any words in me to explain what is wrong though, nothing and everything? will be ok, think i just have to keep going...
hope you are ok tonight, will try to catch you tomorrow 🙂 hugs and hugs

Re: Trouble !

Please keep taking care of you @Former-Member .... and hug those gorgeous kids.

I'm doing okay.


Re: Trouble !

Hey dear @Faith-and-Hope

If i publish a document or e-mail from my mother or about my mother that proves she is abusive, can she sue me for defamation if it's the truth.  If I publish one of my mother's e-mails on facebook or on the internet, can my mother sue me? Thanks a bunch of roses.

Hugs and rainbows..


Re: Trouble !

Hi @BambiFawn ..... 💕

I do t know the answer to those questions Hon. I would suggest that you call the chatline on Monday and ask about where you can find out those sort of details.
