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Moving out of home

I would like to move out of home next year, but I'm just doing a budget up and I couldn't possibly afford it. 

I'm in the red by $100 a week. 

The jobs I am looking at pay net $45k a year. How in the world do I live on that with a MI?

Why must MI cost so much?!? With therapy my yearly costs would come to over 20k/year. 

What am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

How does everyone else afford to live?


Re: Moving out of home

Hey @Former-Member, that sucks that your budget won't allow you to move out at the moment.

20k/yr seems like a lot, although I don't know how frequently you're having therapy or what sort of therapist/s you're seeing.

I don't have therapy, and I lived with a housemate for a couple of years to save on rent.

Re: Moving out of home

Hi @Former-Member,

Can you provide a bit more information? I live on the disability pension (and the occassional marking / tutoring gig) so $45000 sounds like a huge amount of money to me, even though I know it isn't really. My major expenses are my mortgage, followed by my violin lessons, which are super important to me because playing my violin super helps me with my big feelings. 

I am fortunate enough to have my therapy funded by victims services. This is a massive help to me. The psychologist I've just started seeing has a standard fee of $160/session so I would be in a world of trouble without the funding.


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Re: Moving out of home

This is a breakdown of my budget...... I think I can make this work!!!

I do know there is a bit I can trim from this, e.g. Food/Coffee/Wine - but I want to be able to have a meal out with my friends on occasion and I'm basing it on my expected upper net salary for the kind of job I want, but let me know what you think.... Am I being totally unrealisitic? Is everyone's internet and phone that high!?!!?!?!??!!?! 


Re: Moving out of home

Eagerly awaiting the picture @Former-Member. Smiley Happy

Re: Moving out of home

Still waiting for the picture @Former-Member. By the time it appears, you might have won lotto or something and the whole issue will be moot. Smiley LOL

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Re: Moving out of home

@Phoenix_Rising, I've taken all my money and put it in a term deposit and taken out some shares. By the time the picture comes through I will have accumulated enough dividends/interest that none of this will be a problem any more!

Re: Moving out of home

I remember being on a $45k salary @Former-Member, and I remember the struggle. My psychiatrist was $200 per session, health insurance $220 per month, I had to pay private scripts for medications because I wasn't yet fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for my illness so wasn't eligible for the PBS scripts. I was paying over $300 per month for one of the antipsychotics I was on. I had a mortgage and regular bills (like everyone else). 

I never went anywhere as I couldn't afford it. I lived a total miserly lifestyle. 

I'd love to be able to work again full time (but it isn't possible) and earn that kind of money again. However, having said that being on the DSP (disability support pension) means my psychiatrist is bulk billed and now I am diagnosed, scripts on the pension are only $5.30 (a massive saving). I no longer have a mortgage (I paid it out when I sold my house).

I hear you @Former-Member, being a middle of the road wage earner might sound like you're making heaps of money, but the cost is significantly higher.

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Re: Moving out of home

@Phoenix_Rising are you able to see the picture yet? I approved it a little while ago...fingers crossed it comes through by the time you get this notification and there isn't a technical issue!

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Re: Moving out of home

I posted 2 @Former-Member - one was too small to read. Can you please approve the 2nd one? Thank you!!!!
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