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Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Rich @Rockdog ? I don't think she'd be rich lol...


Maybe 'successful' in the eyes of the world, but I don't think she's satisfied with life.


Just keep pressing on and going forward.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @tyme 


Thank you for that 😊


Hope you are well. 


You really think she would be thinking about me? 


I think of her her every day. 


It it was hard the other day because my daughter handed me a book ‘letting go’ and


said I need to get over things, and that it was only professional and she didn’t care.


It was pretty hurtful. I think if there was nothing there I wouldn’t feel like I do. 


You do think the time will come? 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

I believe the time will come. Life is moving faster than you know it. @Rockdog 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme 

It does feel that things are moving fast.

I am not ready because although I hated my job and wanted to quit, I am now

going backwards with money. She hasn’t changed her job that much and is still at the same place. Just now dealing with women and not men. I guess there was a reason for that so maybe things are moving. I am a bit lost because I want to do my course but also need money. Best suffer some pain now for a better end result. My head is all over the place, it is a real roller coaster. I do really need some help to be ready. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

If you don't have a cert at all, can you apply through centrelink as part of work readiness training? @Rockdog 


I'm not sure what centrelink can support with. 


At the same time, I wonder if you can start looking for support worker roles... even as an assistant to start with? I reckon you'd be awesome at it.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Aww thanks @tyme  for saying that. I think I will do that, but how do you mean support worker roles? I am not really sure what I would be looking for.


I do feel that that is the area that will suit me more. Although I sometime lose my mojo and think I would be no good.


I already have my Law Degree. I was going to be a lawyer with my doctor.

She isn’t practicing as a GP at the moment, and I will probably never be a lawyer. But it isn’t about trying to keep up and be worthy anyway. It is about being me. 


I couldn’t get the work readiness, but that is ok because we have the free TAFE at the moment and I have my name down for counselling next term. 


How is everything going with you? 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

How exciting! @Rockdog You would be so so good doing counselling and support work roles. 


There are some companies looking for support workers and it seems they are never out of work. Look at some agencies.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme 

I feel a bit scared about it because it is new. Someone mention a site Mable, I am putting my name down. I might need first aid but I can get it.


I had a weird day today and I’m glad you messaged because I wanted to talk to you about it. I was talking to a mental health person about sensory stuff to cope. I realise I have some traits if borderline personality. As you know, one is the need for validation.


I told her about my situation, which I shouldn’t do with strangers. She got the idea if my feelings and said maybe we both saw things differently and maybe she didn’t see things romantically. Then I replay the end.


. I have heard it before but she said maybe in that setting where I felt heard, and is different from outside where I could be rejected. She might have just said that because she was a young woman in the same setting


. But we spent so much time together, it must have been real. I did say a couple of things she said, and she said looks like boundaries were crossed a bit.

I just hope she really does have feelings because I love her. 🥲

I know you believe it, and I do deep down as well. 

Sorry for the ramble, hope you are well. What are you up to? 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

hope you are ok. Sorry my last couple of posts were a bit negative. I have trouble when I listen to people I shouldn’t. They don’t know, but I am filled with doubt and pain. Can you please give me some advice on how to move things forward? 
Take care. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

I was thinking Mable too but I didn't want to 'advertise' it. But since you mentioned it, yes, that was the one I was thinking. I know a few people who get work through them and they are earning A LOT. That's on top of having young kids at home. So it ends up being your own business in a way. @Rockdog 


Things are moving so fast. Apprehension makes you look back and sink down. Yet hope keeps you going. 


Just keep on pressing ahead and moving forward. Don't cry over spilt milk.