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Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

I'm really starting to struggle.
I've been waiting 4 weeks for a psychologist appt and I've just found I've got to wait another 2.
Anyone got any tips for coping with super negative thoughts?
121 REPLIES 121

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

A coping technique that helped me was to think about whether or not those thoughts were rational. 

This involved figuring out whether the thought is motivated by emotions or rational ideas. 

There's a three step process to this:

1) Identify the thought

2) What are the facts supporting the thought?

3) Should you keep the thought if there aren't supporting facts? 

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

Reach out to someone if the thoughts feel like they are going to become actions. I have found the suicide line to be very good and life live chat as well.
Do you have family or friends nearby or anyone home with you? Keep sharing how you are feeling if you can (here as well - we"ll b listening) and maybe make some appointments with your gp for some extra support while you wait?
Stay safe,

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

The problem is, I don't think they're irrational. I think it's more a reality I just choose to ignore....

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

I feel like I have good reasons at times too... But we really don't know the future. And I know that I have been here before and gotten through it to some better times. I also keep telling myself I won't do anything until I we my psych or I can't do it until after I do something or other.. And try to keep extending those times

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

Gah silly phone typing!! Until I see my psych!

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.


Think of this way. If you've had the strength to get this far, then you'll have the strength to go even further 😄

Who is to say that tomorrow won't be any better?

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

Hi @Former-Member

I'm sorry to read that your appointment has been pushed back an extra 2 weeks. That hardly seems okay - but it's great that you're reaching out here on the Forums.

Those services that @Former-Member mentioned are a good option. Unfortunately we aren't a crisis service, so if things to escalate, it's important to get the help you deserve. She mentioned -

Lifeline: 13 11 14 and their online chat

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 and their online counselling

There's also a great discussion thread called 'Coping Box' where people have posted the things that help them when they have urges. Perhaps browsing through there might help you find a distraction?

Take care,




Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

Thanks everyone.
Part of the problem is I don't want anyone to know I'm not feeling well. I've told my doctor, of course, but I don't want to admit to anyone in not feeling well.
I guess I feel that I'm the problem. It's not something that's going to change or pass.

Re: Coping with negative/suicidal thoughts.

Sorry, I shouldn't be putting this on people on the Internet.
I just need some mechanism to push these thoughts to the side so I can get my work and study done while I'm being irrational.