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Re: Bushfires

Hi @Former-Member 

Your partner is amazing and brave for being on the frontline of such a devasting and unprecedented time- we are all so thankful to people like your partner for helping to save homes, people and wildlife as much as they can. That must be so hard to not always know if they are safe and for the amount of time your partner has had to be away - that carries its own impact on you I am sure. Thank you so much for sharing that with us here. Have you got some local support around you to help through the emotional side of this? It is wonderful that you are posting here as well for support as we all want to be here for you too. 

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Re: Bushfires

Hey there everyone. Wonderful to see so much support in this thread. Smiley Happy
For anyone directly affected, we just wanted to share that the Government have announced that anyone who has been impacted by bushfires will be eligible to receive Medicare rebates for up to 10 psychological therapy sessions provided by GPs, psychologists, and other eligible mental health professionals.
More info here via this link:


Take care Heart


Re: Bushfires

That must be so difficult @Former-Member . We are all so thankful for people like your partner who are out there x

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Re: Bushfires

Hi everyone, 


Hope you are all travelling okay at the moment. I just wanted to let you know we have a special Topic Tuesday on tonight Topic Tuesday // Your mental health and the recent bushfires // Tues 28 Jan, 7pm AEST with two cousellors as special guests to talk through the many levels of impact and strategies to cope. It will be a very supportive discussion. 


Feel free to come along if you are interested 💙

Re: Bushfires

@Former-Member, @Molliex , @Former-Member , @Former-Member , @Sans911 , @Eden1919 , @BryanaCamp  @J1979 @outlander,

@Gazza75, @Former-Member 

see you tonight xxxxx

Topic Tuesday // Your mental health and the recent bushfires // Tues 28 Jan, 7pm AEST 

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Re: Bushfires

Thank you @Shaz51 for reminding me of the event. I didn't attend on purpose as I struggle a lot with the bushfires and other trauma, but was able to get help at the beginning of January. I didn't want to risk being triggered and going down the rabbit hole I just dug myself out of. I hope it was helpful for everyone who attended.

Re: Bushfires

That is OK my @Former-Member 

How are you today xx @

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