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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Don't forget portraits of community guides


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That looks pretty awesome @Former-Member 😄 It reminds me a little of the KitKat Chocolatory (so SO good).

I got so excited when I noticed yesterday that jars of nutella now have feelings! I was going to share my excitement here but realised I am probably months behind and it's old news, seeing as I don't ever buy it (thanks to a total lack of self-restraint when it comes to things like nutella). Does anyone know if the nutella feelings thing is old news?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


I agree @Phoenix_Rising on knocking some walls out... what's the worst that could happen? 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques Oh NikNik is going to super love this, I can just tell. Yes, I agree, we should wrap up every single thing on her desk individually, and then wrap the desk. Smiley LOL

Hi @TeejSmiley Very Happy

@Former-Member I am waiting with some trepidation to see the picture of the community guides. Smiley Very Happy

@CheerBear I have seen the nutella jars with feelings. I'm not sure that it is a months thing. Maybe a weeks thing? I actually don't buy it either for the same reason as you! Which I guess makes it exceptionally funny that NikNik left the keys of her giant nutella jar with me. Smiley Very Happy

@Queenie I can't think of anything at all that could go wrong with knocking out a couple of walls of NikNik's offce. sounds like we are knocking out two walls to make way for a nutella station, painting a mural of a coral reef on another one, and wallpapering the fourth one with lickable wallpaper. And then we are individually wrapping every single thing in her office. Oh NikNik is going to super love this! Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member I have just gone back and looked at all your pictures that have now appeared. The nutella mug cake looks soooooo good. I think I seriously need to make that! The picture of the rhino on the treadmill super made me giggle. Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

***whizzes past @Phoenix_Rising on NikNik's gift-wrapped office chair*** Whee!!!! I just know NikNik is going to love her new office!

@Jacques should we put a big bow on the door? Of course the door will be gift-wrapped too?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member, @Shaz51@Phoenix_Rising@CheerBear@Jacques@Queenie@TheVorticon, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom@Faith-and-Hope@BambiFawn, @Former-Member, @Teej

Finally made it home to the big computer and, possibly for the first time, tagged everyone I saw from the start of the feast to now. Hi! Smiley Happy

I had two curry puffs for dinner, they were delicious. I will have a light supper later (vita brits, before meds Smiley LOL). 

Cruising along here on low gear. Cheers to all! Smiley Very Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

All very benign, did not want to offend with these @Phoenix_Rising



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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Mazarita, It is super nice to see you here. Smiley Very Happy

@Queenie would you stop playing around on NikNik's chair! We have a LOT of work to do. Smiley Happy

Hmmmm....given we've been so creative with the walls, the floor and ceiling are looking a bit boring now don't you think? What are we going to do about that???