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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow you had a big week @Jacques, you can come and do my place Smiley Very Happy

Love to see some photos of your garden @Phoenix_Rising xx

Hello @Former-Member xoxo

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes @Phoenix_Rising i think it is large, it is a 1/4 acre block with 24 trees and 15 shrubs, 2 roses and some odd plants. it helps me find peace when i am anxious, it is somewhere to go when i am stressed from the world around me.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone 🙂

Super quick fly in and out to say hi to you all. Tonight's dinner was something a little bit fancy - the little people and I went to Maccas to celebrate being together again. I usually can't stand Maccas but tonight it was great.

I hope you all have had something bright about your week and that you enjoy the feast tonight.

Oooh and speaking of lava - I decided I needed something new and shiny this week and have finally dyed my (already kind of out there) hair. Now it's bright bright lava kind of orange. It's so fun!

Hope this weekend is good for you all 🙂
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Perhaps the rodents could be given a farewell via a ride in a space ship 

Good evening everyone @Phoenix_Rising  you don't fancy a change of scenery?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques Oh I would super love to have a 1/4 acre block! I live in a villa. It has a nice sized yard for a villa, but definitely a LOT smaller than if I was in a house. I am gradually filling my yard up with native plants - mostly grevilleas because I super love having the birds come to visit.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 Or @Jacques   ...




Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I have so many birds in my yard @phenix_rising the trees are full of them, they are so used to me they allow me to walk right up to them. I hope your garden fills with beautiful flowers and wildlife. Nature is a beautiful thing

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I have so many birds in my yard , --- ohhh that is sooo beautiful @Jacques, I have lots of butterflies in my garden x0x0

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBear You have bright orange hair now? What colour was it before? I REALLY don't do change. I don't even do virtual can't-actually-see-it change. I only started getting my hair dyed a few years ago. I super love my hairdresser because she knows I don't do change. She knows that I simply want the grey hairs hidden. So basically my hair is dyed in a way that makes it look exactly like my natural colour. The concept of dying one's hair a different colour is one of those mysteries that is totally beyond me. I simply can't imagine looking in the mirror and seeing myself look so different. I would be scared of my own reflection. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I agree, nature is awesome - so super calming.

Hello @Former-Member.

I'm curious to know what everyone else's thoughts are regarding @Former-Member's question about the aliens. @Former-Member @Jacques @Shaz51 would you accept a ride from an alien or not???