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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


@Mazarita on the video and on the spontaneity with catching up with your friend. I'm so glad you are having some lovely successes with your video editing. Yesterday before I got smashed I discovered some image sites on my computer I didn't know existed - first time on my computer for weeks. It was kind of cool. I also half thought about digging out my camera for the first time in 5 least it was a thought about. Just sharing, not sure why 😳😳😳

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @CheerBear. 💐  Not so good at responding to those comments right now as not feeling that deserving but thank you. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Argh @Phoenix_Rising @Former-Member sorry - I wasn't paying attention to the name of the thread.

Thank you for both telling me to pull my head in.


Here you go Phoenix_Rising

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member, thank you Smiley Very Happy Heart I think it's great that you go surfing for image sites and that you had that thought about getting out your camera. It shows that you have the interest and desire. Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Lil-caterpillar wrote:

@NikNik im not upsetting anyone on here, this is a good thread to get away from troubles not bring trouble here, ill be on my thread i just dont want to upset anyone

...or I wonder if you might like to hang out here and try the opposite action thing @Former-Member - where you read funny stuff when you really really don't feel like it and then you smile even though you really really super really don't feel even a tiny bit happy, and then because you smiled, you trick your brain into thinking you are happy when you aren't, and then hey presto, you feel a bit less yuck. Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik Seeing you juggling all the different threads on the forum fixed the feeling in my tummy. Smiley LOL

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i cant @Phoenix_Rising i cant think straight and im so distressed its not funny, i cant be on here right now

it ok @NikNik your busy mistakes happen

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

lovely to see you @Jacques 

Hello @NikNik Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Heading off now to watch an episode of 'The Expanse'. Goodnight, everyone, thanks for the good company tonight. Smiley Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Night @Mazarita. Enjoy. 

Im going to head home now too. 

Goodnight all. May you all sleep well
