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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Former-Member youre ahead of me. Muesli bar and a few grapes 😂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member Oh that dessert is awesome!!!!

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member, was gonna say, hope that's for sweets!!! With a cuppa for me thank you 🙂
@Shaz51, been thinking of yo with your mum & hubby & your own health and now maybe a cyclone. Gosh, if it doesn't rain it pours. Hold onto your hat. Have lots of laydowns 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Now I can't decide whether to tuck into @Former-Member's cake first, or eat this plate of bacon and eggs I just threw together Smiley LOL b and e.jpg

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Former-Member
Yum @Former-Member
Im so tired tonight going to bed soon should be doing some work but my comp keyboard has refused to work any longer! Cords been pulled out a bit and it's just old.. So think it's a sign...

Not good for Grant Hackett or his family. Media is cruel

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Arjay, @Former-Member and @Former-Member Smiley Happy

Haha yes @Former-Member it is for dessert...although no judgement here if someone wants it for dinner Smiley LOL Cake and a cuppa coming right up Smiley Happy

Glad you like it @Phoenix_Rising this cake is going to be death by chocolate but SO worth it Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I wish that too @Former-Member, I just hope the mh system can be fixed before it is too late

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Everybody

.. I just made pancakes .. something about lemon sugar and cinnamon .. gotta go out for more supplies

 @Phoenix_Rising you have had a Royal Commission experience .. I dont want to trigger you again .. but if you feel up to it and would read "Approaching Sure" thread and have anything constructive to add .. I am interested .. I am trying to figure out a course of action ....

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Appleblossom Ok, I will go and have a look at "approaching sure." Perhaps you can make some pancakes for me and I will have them AND some of @Former-Member's cake when I come back. If the other thread makes my big feelings big, someone might have to ply me with more chocolate Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Heyyyyy Hello @Arjay, how are you , it is soooo good to see you Smiley LOL xx

@Former-Member, @Phoenix_Rising, I have been through a lot of cyclones , Fingers crossed that it will just be a lot of rain

Dessert is served everyone--- yum I will have some please xx

Hey @Former-Member, I don`t think the washing will rum away, unless we have the hang out the washing fairies Smiley LOL