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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes i've read the Black Magician trilogy too, I enjoyed it too. I watched part of the first season of game of thrones but it was a bit too much for me. I have heard lots of people say the books are better 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

What's the Black Magician about? I might give that ago... I got holidays coming up so might look into it.

One book that came to mind that I really enjoyed reading was 'Madoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived  it's not sci fi or fantasy, but you might like. It's kinda got the same feel as the The Life of Pie.


@Former-Member, I made pumpkin soup yesterday. It turned out ok, pretty uninspiring actually. Got any recipe tips?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady I've reread the Belgriad and Mallorean series so many times - they're very addictive i think (there's 5 novels in each of the series) the first five follow a boy growing up into a sorcerer and the second series of of him as an adult but with amazing characters. can't say too much.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

'The Name of the Wind', and 'The Wise Man's Fear' by Patrick Rothfuss is apparently an amazing reading according to my partner. Anyone heard of these?

The pizza bases are ready. I was thinking we could put topping on them together. What would you like to put on them?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member I will have to check them out. I might have to brave the library and get some books. 😛

@CherryBomb The trilogy is about magic (obviously). A girl from the slums discovers she has magic, which usually is restricted to the upper classes. The series follows fer attempting to stay hidden, her education, and ultimately her learning skills to save the country. I'm really not selling it. The books are brilliant. I actually cried in the last one. A while since I've done that...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am not a very good cook, and i am unsure on how to load photos, buuuuuuttttt i bring desert, i am not vegan but my sister is and i will bring her version of a lemon merange pie.

For Vegan food it was really really yum.

Favorite books, i like sci fi/fantasy. I have read a series called the wheel of time by robert jordan and enjoyed all 12 or 13 books in the series. But i will read pretty much anything if it gets my interest at the start, altho when picking a book i will randomly flick to somewhere in the middle and read 2 pages to see what i think, has lead me to read quite a broad range

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb I've been reading the name of the wind, its been good but i've found it hard to get into, but that could just be because i have no concentration or focus at the moment! Its an interesting fantasy written as the memoir of the main character and its is intriguing because it leaves a lot guessing as to how he ended up where he is and whats going on in the 'present day'.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@kato I do the same thing - it's like trialling how much you gel with the writing. Vegan lemon merange pie! YUUUMMM!

@Crazy_Bug_Lady @Former-Member you are both motivating me to expand my reading genres. I'm gonna do it! Will check out the Black Magician once I'm on holidays and let you know how it goes - makes me wonder if we should do an online SANE reading club. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb Maybe don't up to the middle of the Black Magician books... I did that and opened to a major spoiler. Well... I didn't realise at the time, but I did once I started reading...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Haha @Crazy_Bug_Lady, ok I won't open up the middle of the book. Though I do have a tendency to get impatient and flip ahead if I'm dying to figure out what's going to happen. Does anyone else do this? 

What did everyone get up to this week? I am proud to say that I did not do much! Just work, study, yoga. That's pretty much my life these days...