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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member  it has been up and down this week , and then hubby saw the doctor this afternoon

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How is hubby doing @Shaz51 was the dr visit helpful?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ha Ha @Former-Member, after she put the scones in the oven , my stepson got the vaccuum out -- man alive

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 hubby has to have some blood tests done and a scan next week , but he was pleased that the new doctor took time to listen to him

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh dear @Shaz51 you guys never get a break medical wise 😞 i hope scans and tests come back with some answers for you both though and glad that he felt listened too... that can be rare with drs sometimes


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

We're having gnocchi.

Cooked with mushroom, schallots, zucchini and garlic.

Glad to read about everyone's yummy food
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik... Vinyasa & Hatha ~ hot & 'not' - sometimes yin...

Hi @Former-Member... Are you on holiday now?! No leftovers tonight - partner is currently making burritos...

Withdrawals are still making me exhausted & I felt so depleted after the run on Wednesday - set alarm & got up to do it again next day before driving to Brisbane, but didn't have the energy... Will see how I go.... I really had to force myself to go to yoga today & I didn't enjoy it - too depressed...



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know @Former-Member, and today was the doctor`s last day too -- oh well

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yum @Angels333 i havent had gnochi for so long... must try again!

@Former-Member yes it is holidays now, i'm also feeling just utterly wiped out and exhausted. maybe your body does need a rest from running, be gentle with you, you deserve to be cared for.

hope that your mood lifts a lil soon for you, perhaps as the meds level out a bit more 😞



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That sounds totally yummy @Angels333, enjoy