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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hope you have a great weekend @Former-Member 🙂 Great to see you come past! Sorry you couldn't swim with the puppets - my bad! 😉

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good night @Former-Member, I enjoyed the super quick swim with you at the WATER puppet show. I'm going to keep paddling around here for a little while - this is fun. Everyone is far too busy looking at @CheerBear sitting in the audience wearing a snorkel and flippers, to notice a little sea turtle swimming amongst the puppets. Smiley Very Happy

Good evening @Mazarita. I am glad you got through your procedure and I super hope the medication change doesn't make you feel too wonky.

Your contribution for dessert looks super yum. Smiley Happy



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

who is still here?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Friday Feasters.

Thanks @Former-Member

Vietnamese sounds good to me.

I have many Vietnamese noodle bars (restaurants) near my home.

It's very tasty, & inexpensive.

The noodle bars are always full of Vietnamese people, which must mean that the food is good.


Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i am

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Catcakes I am with @CheerBear -  I only eat the regular run-of-the-mill mushrooms. Having said that, I've never actually tried any others. Do different varieties have very different flavours?

When I was a kid, I would only eat mushrooms raw. However, I've acquired the taste for cooked ones now and like you, @Catcakes, I like them in all sorts of meals.

Good night @Former-Member. Smiley Happy


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I will be here for about another 10 minutes @MDT.

I see that @Adge and @Former-Member have just appeared. It's funny how FF tends to go in shifts sometimes with some people appearing just as others leave. It always wraps up just before 10pm.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks, @CheerBear@Phoenix_Rising Smiley Happy

Woops, CB, forgot about your distaste for strawberries for a minute there. That's probably because I love strawberries and strawberry flavoured anything. But I do relate to being a very picky eater too, been like that since a small child. Plus... I drink coffee at the wrong hours too. And I have sleep problems. And I can't seem to get myself to stop with the coffee! I think I might actually be addicted, with the compulsiveness that comes with that. Smiley Embarassed

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey @Former-Member how have you been going ?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes , @Phoenix_Rising,
Different mushrooms certainly have different flavours and texture but it also depends what you cook them in/with., like sesame oil, olive oil... I like butter 😊