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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

that looks soo yummy @CherryBomb 

Hope you feel better soon @Mazarita

Aching tonight @CherryBomb

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hope you feel better soon @Mazarita.  Take care 

BB Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ohhh Hello @TheVorticon, @BlueBay xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Shaz51

how are you my friend? xxoo

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 sorry to hear that you're aching. Are you also coming down with a bug?

@Mazarita I may need to join in quaranteen!

@TheVorticon your meal looks delicious and healthy. Smiley Happy

@BlueBay hello! How are have you been? Help yourself to the platter, plenty to go round!

What's everyone been up to this week? Got any plans for Easter? 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'd also like to invite @Determined @soul and @Former-Member to the Friday Feast.

If you're about come and enjoy our Friday night virtual feast. Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello everyone.. i'm here! (yawn) might only be half awake though!
bout to read up and see whats on offer for tea... i'll drop a bag of chips in the middle (about how organise i am tonight!)

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I;m struggling a lot at the moment @CherryBomb.  Won't write it on this post.  I need your advice pls if you can, on my own post (not feeling good).

So glad it is Friday.  Not sure I'll stay long on here tonight.

Weekend will be packing more boxes and get stuff ready to sell next Saturday at our garage sale.

Going out for dinner with friends tomorrow night, there'll be a group of about 12.  Trouble is I don't really want to socialise 😞

What are you up to this weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well .... I'm sitting here at the shopping centre .... looking at a loaded trolley sitting in front of me ..... over the top of a coffee cup ..... and waiting for a reboot of energy to pack it all in the car and take it home to my baby dragons. Thinkin' those of them who haven't spent the day sleeping ... !! .... can maybe do the unpack at the other end, and decide for themselves what if it to have for dinner in another hour or so ....,,

Methinks that's a great idea ..... ❣

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello my @BlueBay , -- it is raining here , how is it at your place xoxo

hope not @CherryBomb , I think i might take some magnesuim tonight

saw the dietician, and she wants me to lose some weight to take the stress off the kidney and warn off the borderline diabetes