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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Great that you mentioned me tonight Rockpool and had a meat and veges dinner with some apple juice as

beverage. Hope your weekend goes well and wish you life's best. Cheers,hugs from Bimby2

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow, good on you! Sounds like a productive day! I'm sure it gave you lots to think about...both therapy and uni will do that to you Smiley LOL Did the therapy session go well?

Yeh good thanks, spent all day working but thats ok haha I will get to have some cuddle time with my fur baby soon Smiley Happy

I bought some blueberries today actually..they would go great with that chocolate fountain!

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

The therapy session went well, very different to any thing I've experienced before, but he seemed nice, and non-judgemental and caring. Was still seriously anxiety provoking (my hands are still shaking 12 hours later!) but I think it will be a positive experience.
What kind of fur-baby do you have? My kitten is currently sitting next to me having a wash.
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm glad it went well @Former-Member Smiley Happy Its so important to have someone who is non-judgemental and caring so I'm happy you have found that. Its good that it is different to what you have experienced before as it may challenge you in a different way. Understandable that it is anxiety provoking-therapy always is. Hope the shakes die down soon and it sounds like it will be a positive experience for you...theres a good foundation at least after the first session Smiley Happy

I have a dog, she is a Maltese Shitzu and has been trying to get me to play with her all night! She kept bringing me her toys and nudging me with them and squeeking them haha

Aww how cute! I love that they sit with you and keep you company. They are so much more helpful then they know Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member

I think they do know. Dogs have many more abilities than are immediately obvious.

I have a 17 year old lady who's a Heinz 57 varieties brred. Principally a Dalmatian Red cattle dog plus all the rest.

She's getting quite cross with me at the moment because in her opinion I should be in bed. Actually I agree with her but I'm waiting to see if I get called out to help with the fires. I was put on alert earlier this evening.

I'm crossing everything I can that they wait until tomorrow as I'm desperately tired. Tomorrow will be fine but today I just want my bed. Dog is bullying me with all her nudging and shoving. I'm actually too tired to drag myself to bed.

My goodness! What a pathetic thing to write.
Enjoy your time off. 🎶💕

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Phoenix_Rising


I rarely eat bacon or eggs - but today things were a bit different - my back pain has been really bad and so my shopping person took me to the local IGA and I got enough for the weekend there


And bacon and eggs felt really good - and it was very good - and I ate a couple of slices of bread and butter to mop up the grease a bit for the sake of my tummy which could rebel -


I keep my egg eating to a minimum - I like them to be very fresh - but bacon - oh bacon - how I love bacon


I like to eat the fat off the rind - I remember when we were kids Mum would cut the rind off the bacon and give it to us so we could eat that fat - it's the only fat I like - but yes - keep some things out of the house for the sake of our weight and health etc -


Dad used to sing part of an old hymn


"Yield not to temptation for yielding is sin" and I would say - "Aw Dad - yielding to temptation is a really good part of life"


I still think that



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Diprotodon wrote:

Hi @Phoenix_Rising, I'm here to chat if you want?

Hi @Former-Member Sorry, I really did shut the laptop and go and hide in my bed as soon as I sent my last post, last night. I was feeling very sad and alone. But I survived so all is well Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Hi Everyone, sorry i am early, just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone, just in case i can't stay on much tonight. 


had a nice salad for dinner because it is still really hot here. 


hope everyone made it through another week and i hope you all get some down time this weekend


hugs to all my friends



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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques

healthy salad dinner! go you! We've just got home for kids sport. yawn! we have been having naughty/easy dinners on Fridays. Tonight we got fried rice and noodles. 

Hi everyone, hope that you're looking forward to a good weekend,


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Don't worry @Jaques, Salads are great, good to see you. I have a craving for mashed potatoes and fish, but something tells me I'll be eating my own words as well, been a bit grumpy, need to back peddle. Have a good night tonight and a great weekend. I'll be following your yummy posts xox.