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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast feeling semi guilty now @BlueBay actually feeling very good with myself today .. sleep helps .. hadn't had much recently ..speak mind, take no *rap, smile, do stuff ..well that worked for me today .just sending you my thoughts, what works for one person in one day is well ..what worked that day .. taking it as it comes

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


my memories of my mum and how she has treated over the past 6 yrs has haunted me daily.  I always thought I was close to her but now I know i wasn't.  She used me to get things; to do things her way or no way; she used to me phone people for her; she manipulated and controlled me.  And the one time I needed her she was not there. In fact she made the choice of not believing me and she made the decision that her and my dad abandon me and not see me.  i will never ever forget what she said to me this one particular day (actually twice) i will never ever forget and prob never forgive her either. As a mum I know that if my daughter ever came to me with the same news of what i told my mum i would hug her so much, tell her how sorry i was and am and that i couldn't help her; i would support her and not say 'oh well you live your life and we'll live our lives'  how can she?

OMG i better stop; i need to get away, need to run. i am getting off here right now; i just can't

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Bimby2

Yes Tomorrow is another day my friend , and it will be better HeartHeart

Lovely to see you tonight xx

Hello @Appleblossom, @PeppiPatty, @Former-Member, @Flower1, @Former-Member xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Jacques xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Do something for you tonight. Seems like talking about your mum has stirred up a lot of stuff. I hope you're ok.

Do what you can to contain those thoughts - cry, write, knit... Remember, these memories of your mother, they are just that - memories. Yes, they linger, and can bring up wild emotions, but your mum can't come back and hurt you gain. Yes, those memories are painful, but at the same time, you know that you will be there for your own daughter. 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

dear @Former-Member @Shaz51 @BlueBay @NikNik & @CherryBomb

I'm going to have a very early night tonight.......It's been a hard week. But @Former-Member 

I'm wondering if you could spread joy in a creative way by :

making paper dolls to line your kitchen wall ?? This is just an idea: 

outline a basic doll.

Colour in or if your as dizzy as me: you'de have colour paper in a pile in the loungeroom. 

Cut out clothes from the paper and use embellishments and line a wall with 5-10 dolls. 


2. Outline your hand and draw patterns on each hand and sticky tack onthe wall......

3. Trace different leaves on white or lined paer. Use colour paper or different things to decorate. 

If you do this, so will I and we can swap pictures ? 

what do you think ? 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @PeppiPatty

I chickened out of my post as I think it had potential to open a can of worms for me. I'm sorry I did this before your post. I guess I have to try to find something that I can feel. Thank you so much for your suggestion. If I find anything I promise to post and share what it was. 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Yeej, good to see you, As for 'joy' start with the little things that ate nice, sweet, positive... - noticing them and how it feels, make yourself Emily. There are beautiful things around, and I smile at baby animal or a young couple in the park clearly in love or the fresh breeze on a hot day... We shut out the good with the bad (in terms of 'feeling' life, so tapping into thaw bweds
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

PS I think this is why I was having a break from the forum as I'm not really sure of anything at the moment. So sorry😳😔