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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian

Yes , we are self employed, so all week is go , go ,go whle the sun shines , trying to change this -- I think it will take a while

sunshine seems to pick him up a lot and when it rains it is nothing  and certain time in the afternoons he is finished

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51


So I guess it right if I think you and your husband work as detailers with your own business and at the weekend - crap - you have done this all week for other people - gimme a break!


Living around another person is something I do not miss - though for a few months over 25 years ago my dd had left home briefly - and I got a phone call at work - "Can you come and get me and my stuff before (the boyfriend) gets home from work"


Only too happy too - piling stuff into my car and driving from her flat to my house a few times did the trick - her budgie had a nervous breakdown as I came through a busy roundabout at peak period - and I had white feathers all over the car. - I was glad to have dd back for a while - and the ex had left by then


For her - that was not good - she had left home and although I was delighted and enjoyed those few months it was over too soon - she had step out into an adult life


I wonder now - if you have an overcast sky and chilly wind - if you will get to do whatever is in your husband's mind -


I hope your day is okay



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know @Decadian 

hubby is looking up you tube videos on the computer and it is coming up to his lazy time

overcast sky and chilly wind will help

Living around another person -- yes  @CherryBomb reminds me to read the tread , looking after yourself  and self care tread  regular , I think it is easy to fall into that pattern if you are not careful


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi again @Shaz51


Ah peace - I never thought I would wish a gloomy and perhaps damp Saturday on anyone


Self-care needs to have a priority - I think it varies from person to person and from time to time - and it can become a habit - but it can have some tough bits - I had a friend with OCD - I didn't know what this was at the time - my friend  cleaned and counted constantly - and this might mean a spotless house but she was a very unhappy woman


So I have people coming in through the week to help me with cleaning etc - and with my spine I would quickly deterioate if i did many of these tasks myself - but I also do my own cooking and washing and I go shopping with one of the carers - this does stress my spine


My idea is to have a cut-off point - and this can vary - sometimes I have to stop quickly - other days I can do a lot more -


But today - it is getting duller and duller here - and we have had severe changes in barometric pressure


So for you - self-care is having some time off on a Saturday afternoon - for me it's making a pot of soup to last a few days






Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian

you are soo right

I have arthritis, siactica, kidney disease stage 4 , I think my mum worries about me but doesn`t say much

Have a cut off point is very good

oh I think i will make a soup today too with, stewing steak, onions, celery, tin tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beef stck cubes, a handful of elbow pasta

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian! Love the name. I'm trying to figure the meaning behind it - does your age end in a zero? Or do you need a toothpaste with more fluoride? 😄

It was definitely intense, seeing it all so up close and personal from Ground Zero. Even without any graphic images of casualties (thank goodness), just seeing the reactions of all those witnesses told it all. Oh yes, I too remember the day all too well! It was just so surreal. I was working for Defence in Canberra at the time. As you'd imagine, security was really stepped up when I arrived at work. Rubbish bins wired shut so bombs couldn't be planted, cars not allowed within a certain radius, guards everywhere. My desk had a view of Canberra airport, where the VIP flights came and left from. I couldn't stop for gazing out the window. After a couple of hours, we were all told to close all exterior blinds. No explanation. I was waiting for them to tell us to get under the desk and hide or something! Very very bizarre! And yet the world still turns. Sun comes up, sun goes down. Tide rolls in, tide rolls out. Yep. A strange planet we found ourselves on.

Thanks for stopping by to say hi. 🙂 Hope to catch you again.


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Love your explanations of @Decadian 's name @Former-Member.  I laughed out loud. I had always assumed it meant that she has survived many decades. Perhaps you can clear it up for us @Decadian. Secretly I loved the toothpaste one😜 I hope you are both well💜💐😊

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast's out of the bag or was that brown paper haha @Former-Member Cat Tongue re secret thought lol 

having what passes for a quiet day here after late reflective night, and no wasn't walking streets in hi vis like Puss in Boots, or riding imaginary bicycle with reflector, or going to London to see the Queen re boots..., well, as much as I can be, re reflective, night Smiley Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Got a chuckle out of me @TAB. Love @Faith-and-Hope 's cat pic. Summed it up purrfectly😝 Good to see you jumping back in, even with your tail between your legs😘 and landing on your feet.  I hope today is good💜😊

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lol. Thanks @Former-Member I like your interpretation of @Decadian too! No doubt we'll get to the bottom of it. 😉